Tuesday, May 3, 2011

When Will Obama Release Osama bin Laden Death Photos?

Barack Obama has declared that al Queda Leader and Muslim terrorist Osama bin Laden is dead, but it is somewhat disturbing that the proof of this historical event is being hidden from the American people and from the world. Americans have a right to see all photos, videos, and documents pertaining to Osama bin Laden's death. Many Americans want to see the photos. The families of those who were killed on 9/11 are asking President Obama to release the death photos of Osama bin Laden.

Nevertheless, U.S. President Barack Obama deserves respect and congratulations for accomplishing the demise of Osama bin Laden. Special thanks and appreciation go to the highly skilled U.S. Navy SEAL team, or Sea, Air and Land team, for their courageous
storming of Osama bin Laden's Abbottabad, Pakistan compound. It should also be noted that President George W. Bush is the U.S. President who initiated the pursuit of Osama bin Laden during his presidency, and all Americans need to be grateful to him for his efforts and determination.

President Obama, the issue of not releasing photos depicting the death of al Queda leader and terrorist Osama bin Laden is not one of disbelief. It is the erroneous viewpoint that the U.S. President has the right to decide whether or not it is good or bad for Americans to see the evidence. Imagine a journalist who reports an extraordinary news story without showing any photos or documents. This journalist would not be respected and the journalist's credentials would be questioned. Barack Obama has greater authority than a journalist.

Osama bin Laden, the Muslim terrorist who perpetrated the atrocities on 9/11, is dead. This is a relief to many individuals. Osama bin Laden was responsible for the deaths of approximately 3,000 Americans on September 11, 2001. When journalists recently announced that Osama bin Laden was finally captured and killed, people expected to see photos. President Obama, please do the right thing and release the Osama bin Laden death photos without any further delay so that everyone can experience closure.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Donald Trump Vs Barack Obama in 2012 Election Showdown?

I recently read British journalist Hadley Freeman's article published on the British website, guardian.co.uk (Donald Trump: the Republican's only hope). In this article, the journalist refers to both Fox News and Donald Trump as being "monsters" who are akin to Mary Shelley's monster (I prefer the word "creature").

The author discusses the potential of Donald Trump (whom she refers to as being a "birther") as a 2012 US Republican presidential candidate pitted against the current United States President, Democrat Barack Obama. In Mary Shelley's classic novel Frankenstein, this monster or creature is created by the insane scientist Victor Frankenstein. Hadley Freeman refers to Fox as being similar to Victor Frankenstein in its creation of the monster Donald Trump.

I joined the guardian.co.uk website and made a comment. Please click this link to read the very liberal viewpoints found in Hadley Freeman's article and the comment by "moi", USAWordsmith.

Personally, I would love to hear American billionaire Donald Trump tell President Barack Obama his famous words from the hit television show, The Apprentice: "YOU'RE FIRED!"

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Palestinian Intifada Uprising Page Against Israel Returns To Facebook

The Palestinian Facebook Third Palestinian Intifada Uprising Page is now back on Facebook with a new name, http://www.facebook.com/Rassoul.Allaah. I recently wrote and published two blog posts regarding the Facebook Third Palestinian Intifada page that just will not go away. Facebook removed the original page, but has failed to remove this new Palestinian page and linked Facebook Palestinian pages that are mentioned on this Palestinian site.

The Palestinian Rassoul.Allaah Facebook page states, at the top of the page, that the page represents a Non-Profit Organization. (Is this some kind of loophole attempt to keep the page on Facebook? Are Non-Profit Organizations exempt from Facebook Hate Rules?) Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg needs to stay on top of this potentially dangerous situation, as this page boasts over 3 million Likes and the motive of this Palestinian group is to annihilate Israel (so much for so-called bogus Non-Profit Organizations).

Warning: If you do visit this Facebook Palestinian Intifada Uprising anti-Israel page in order to report it to Facebook, your name will appear, in your own native language, at the top of the page. The Arabic words above your name translate, using the Google translate tool, as "Hello you." YIKES! This really gave me the creeps when I saw my name at the top of their page. Whatever you do, DO NOT CLICK THE FACEBOOK "LIKE" ICON on this page!

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