Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Joseph Addison: His Quote About Trifles and Smiles

A Modern Version of Joseph Addison's Quote About Life, Trifles, Flowers, Sunshine and Humanity -- written by Susan Baldwin

"Sunshine helps flowers to blossom and grow into beautiful specimens for all to behold. Smiles are rays of benevolent sunshine that lift up the wings of human beings. Are smiles mere trifles? No, the truth is that when smiles are freely given, the uplifting thoughts they offer to others who are traveling along life's arduous roads cannot be underestimated." - Susan Baldwin

Here is Joseph Addison's quote:

"What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable." - Joseph Addison (1672-1719)

Read more about the life of English essayist , playwright, politician and poet Joseph Addison here:

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Palestinian Intifada Uprising Page Against Israel Returns To Facebook

The Palestinian Facebook Third Palestinian Intifada Uprising Page is now back on Facebook with a new name, I recently wrote and published two blog posts regarding the Facebook Third Palestinian Intifada page that just will not go away. Facebook removed the original page, but has failed to remove this new Palestinian page and linked Facebook Palestinian pages that are mentioned on this Palestinian site.

The Palestinian Rassoul.Allaah Facebook page states, at the top of the page, that the page represents a Non-Profit Organization. (Is this some kind of loophole attempt to keep the page on Facebook? Are Non-Profit Organizations exempt from Facebook Hate Rules?) Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg needs to stay on top of this potentially dangerous situation, as this page boasts over 3 million Likes and the motive of this Palestinian group is to annihilate Israel (so much for so-called bogus Non-Profit Organizations).

Warning: If you do visit this Facebook Palestinian Intifada Uprising anti-Israel page in order to report it to Facebook, your name will appear, in your own native language, at the top of the page. The Arabic words above your name translate, using the Google translate tool, as "Hello you." YIKES! This really gave me the creeps when I saw my name at the top of their page. Whatever you do, DO NOT CLICK THE FACEBOOK "LIKE" ICON on this page!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Facebook Removes Third Palestinian Intifada Page

Due to growing pressure from outraged individuals, the Facebook Third Palestinian Intifada Uprising page was removed on Tuesday. However, the Palestinians behind the first page have now put up a new Facebook page called Third Palestinian Intifada, which is, coincidentally, the same exact title of the original page!

On Monday, I published a blog post regarding the infamous Facebook Third Palestinian Intifada page and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's refusal to remove this Facebook page which called for the annihilation of Israel. In case you missed it, here is the link to Monday's blog post:

Monday, March 28, 2011

Palestinians On Facebook Plan Third Intifada Uprising Against Israel

A Palestinian activist group has set up a new Facebook page threatening to wage a Third Palestinian Intifada (Intifada means Uprising) against Israel beginning May 15, 2011. This Third Palestinian Infitada Facebook page calls the modern state of Israel a "catastrophe." Several Jewish organizations, including the Anti-Defamation League, have asked Facebook to remove the page, but Facebook is not going to remove this threatening page.

Yuli Edelstein, the Israel Minister of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs, personally asked Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's CEO, to remove the Third Palestinian Infitada Facebook Page, but Facebook will not budge in its defiant liberal decision to allow the page to remain on Facebook. This is in spite of the fact that Yuli Edelstein pointed out to Mark Zuckerberg that the page promotes the murdering of Jews and the complete annihilation of Israel.

I reported the Third Palestinian Page as a targeted racist page to Facebook, but I fear this will be to no avail. The Palestinian Page threatens to boycott Facebook if Facebook dares to shut down their page! I really do not understand why Facebook is concerned about whether or not the anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli Third Palestinian Intifada page is boycotted.

Is it the ads? Are Palestinian advertisements making a lot of money for Mark Zuckerberg? Does Mark Zuckerberg really need any money that is generated from a Facebook page that demands the destruction of Israel? No, Mark Zuckerberg does not need any more money because Mark Zuckerberg is a very wealthy young man. Facebook, you ought to be ashamed!!

This is an outrage!! If Facebook had existed during the German reign of Adolph Hitler, and Mark Zuckerberg was the CEO at that time, I suppose Mark Zuckerberg would have refused to remove a Facebook page that asked everyone in the world to get involved in the Nazi's plans to murder all of the Jews. Would a Facebook page boasting about the Nazi concentration camps and their gas chambers have remained on Facebook? I'm afraid the sad truth of the matter is that the answer to these questions is Yes!

Click the following link in order to read the entire English translation of the Facebook Third Palestinian Intifada page:

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Free Wordsmith Library Open To The Public

The Wordsmith Library is now open to the public. Read the prolific and profound writings of America's favorite wordsmith, Conservative Wordsmith ™ Susan Baldwin.

Susan Baldwin extends a special invitation to her Facebook and Twitter friends, inviting them to visit Wordsmith Library, and spend some time reading more of her published blog posts and articles; Twitter tweets; Facebook status messages, updates, and NetWorkedBlogs posts; and her voluminous, wise, and witty answers as "Wordsmith" on Browse through Susan's historical Archive, where you will find many more previously published political posts to read.

The Wordsmith Library is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is a good opportunity to read a huge, and constantly growing, library of writings by Susan Baldwin, who is involved in many online projects.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Rush Limbaugh Married Descendant of President John Adams

Rush Limbaugh married Kathryn Rogers, a direct descendant of President John Adams, on Saturday, June 5. The wedding ceremony and reception took place in Palm Beach. Sir Elton John provided the musical entertainment to the tune of $1 million, courtesy of Rush Limbaugh. Sir Elton John performing at Rush Limbaugh's wedding is strange enough, but the fact that Rush Limbaugh managed to find a wife who is so strongly rooted in American History is almost stranger than fiction.

According to a recent Palm Beach Post article, Kathryn Rogers, Rush Limbaugh's new wife, is a direct descendant of American Founding Father John Adams. John Adams was the first Vice President (1789-1797) of the United States, and the Second President (1797-1801), of the United States.

So I suppose one could say that conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh is now an indirect descendant of John Adams. I think John Adams would have been proud to have Rush Limbaugh as part of his family. Rush Limbaugh and Kathryn Rogers might just be a match made in political heaven. It isn't every day that a famous conservative talk show hosts married a "daughter" of one of America's Founding Fathers.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Rush Limbaugh Marries Kathryn Rogers, Starring Sir Elton John

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh married Kathryn Rogers today. According to an article posted on, British superstar and composer Sir Elton John performed at Rush Limbaugh's wedding reception. The wedding was an extravagant Palm Beach Hawaiian-themed ceremony and reception.

In case you're wondering why Sir Elton John, an openly Gay man who, earlier this year announced that Jesus Christ was a "super-intelligent gay man," (yes, it's hard to believe, but this is what Sir Elton John said) agreed to perform at ultra-conservative Rush Limbaugh's wedding reception, there is one excellent reason. According to the New York Daily News article, Sir Elton John will receive $1 million for his performance at Rush Limbaugh's wedding reception.

As far as Rush Limbaugh is concerned, it seems to me that Rush Limbaugh must have the ability to separate the artist from the man. Rush Limbaugh obviously didn't allow his conservative viewpoints to get in the way when it involved having a talented person like Sir Elton John perform at his wedding reception. This only proves that Rush Limbaugh, contrary to what liberals think, is more than capable of being open-minded and nonjudgemental.

According to a recent Palm Beach Post article, Rush Limbaugh's new bride, Kathryn Rogers, is a direct descendant of American Founding Father John Adams. John Adams was the first Vice President (1789-1797), and the Second President (1797-1801), of the United States.

Congratulations, Rush Limbaugh. I hope you and your new wife Kathryn will be very happy.

Related Links

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rasmussen Poll Indicates Obama's Presidential Performance Is -20

Tuesday, May 25 -- Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Poll:

American voters voted on how Barack Obama is performing in his role as U.S. President? Here are the results:

Strongly Approve: 24%
Strongly Disapprove: 44%
Presidential Approval Index rating: -20%
Overall, 42% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the president's performance. That is the lowest level of approval yet measured for this president. Fifty-six percent (56%) now disapprove of his performance. 1
1 Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Author's Commentary: Obama's popularity has been going down in the Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Polls for quite awhile now. It would seem that there are plenty of voters in America who simply can no longer stomach Obama's liberal agenda to bring America into alignment with the European Union , the United Nations, and socialism.

At least President George W. Bush had the courage to stand against the opinions of the mighty United Nations. Bush did not allow the UN to rule over America, and that is how it should be.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Obama Apologizes to China for Arizona's Law Cracking Down On Illegals

Obama's Liberal Mouth Continues To Speak Out Against America and American Policies.
AP reports:
The United States and China reported no major breakthroughs Friday after only their second round of talks about human rights since 2002.
[Assistant Secretary of State Michael Posner] said in addition to talks on freedom of religion and expression, labor rights and rule of law, officials also discussed Chinese complaints about problems with U.S. human rights [what right do the Chinese have to complain about U.S. human rights? This is nothing less than insanity.], which have included crime, poverty, homelessness and racial discrimination.
He [Posner] said U.S. officials did not whitewash the American record [of course not -- Obama is compelled to open his mouth and spout forth his false ideas about America every chance he gets] and in fact raised on its own a new immigration law in Arizona that requires police to ask about a person's immigration status if there is suspicion the person is in the country illegally.
I want to mention here that the topic about Arizona's new Immigration Law was not brought up by the Chinese, but by Obama and his politically correct entourage. I also would like to know what Obama's response was to the Chinese about their various complaints against America.

I bet the Chinese didn't utter one word of complaint about the Chinese government's poisoning of America's pets with tainted pet food, or exposing American children to lead with their "Made in China" toys.

I bet the Chinese never uttered one word of complaint about all of the money the Chinese are making over their near-monopoly of products sold in American stores, including everything from shoes to toothbrushes.

When will Obama and his liberal administration learn to stop their negative verbiage against America and American policies, especially when talking to those, like the Chinese, whose basic political agenda is to violate the basic human rights of every Chinese citizen.

Related Links

Apologizing For Arizona
Arizona Immigration Law SB1070 2010 and Text – Boycotts Abound

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Obama Poll: American Voters Disapprove 41% To 30%

The Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday, May 15, 2010 indicates that Obama's ratings with American voters continue to in a downward direction.

The current Rasmussen Poll results are:

Strongly Approve of Obama: 30%
Strongly Disapprove of Obama: 41%
Obama's Presidential Approval Index rating of -11 {1}

{1} Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Related Link

GOP Electoral Wins Not Votes of Confidence - CQ POLITICS NEWS
By Morton M. Kondracke, Roll Call Contributing Write
May 14, 2010 – 12:04 a.m.

Obama Presses Senate To Pass Financial Reform

Obama is urging the United States Senate to pass the Financial Reform Bill quickly. "In his weekly address Saturday, he characterized the bill as representing 'the strongest consumer financial protections in history.' Mr. Obama says the legislation will stop predatory business practices and make sure both large and small banks are subject to tough oversight." {1}

On the other hand, Republican Congressman Chris Lee "urged Mr. Obama to, in Lee's words, 'really listen' to what Americans are saying about the economy."

{1} Obama Urges US Senate To Pass Financial Reform 

Is President Obama, possibly the most liberal U.S. President in the History of America, really listening to what Americans are saying about the economy? Is Obama really listening to what Americans are saying about anything going on in America? Does Obama even have a clue about what Americans think? Most importantly, does Obama care about America and Americans, or does Obama simply intend to accomplish everything he can to insure that America will be a socialist country before his presidential term is over.

Related Link

Obama Presses Message In New York - The Wall Street Journal
By Laura Meckler And Brody Mullens
MAY 13, 2010, 11:43 P.M. ET

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Military Tells Congress Not To Change "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Gay Law

Robert Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen told the House Armed Services Committee that changing the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Gay Military Law is a mistake, and that the military needs to give their feedback before any changes are made.

"'Our military must be afforded the opportunity to inform us of their concerns, insights and suggestions if we are to carry out this change successfully,' Gates and Mullen wrote to the panel's chairman, Missouri Democrat Ike Skelton." {1}

{1} Military tells Congress to keep gay ban for now
Associated Press Writer

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Obama Ratings Have Congressional Democrats Worried

Obama Ratings and South Africa News.Net: Obama Ratings do not look good to Congressional Democrats according to a South Africa News. Net article published today.

"Political experts have said they believe Republicans will have an easier time than Democrats in motivating their supporters this year due to the president’s poor standing in the polls. Mr Obama's approval rating is around 50 percent or just below in most recent polls. Public-opinion surveys show most Americans find the president likeable, but may not agree with his policies." {1}

{1} Congressional Democrats worried over Obama ratings
South Africa News.NetTuesday 27th April, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Armenian Remembrance Day: Obama Fails To Say The "Genocide" Word

Obama failed to say the word "genocide" on the 95th anniversary of Armenian Remembrance Day, the day in which Armenians mourn for the 1.5 million Armenians who were murdered by the Turkish Muslim Empire, commonly referred to as the Ottoman Empire.  

The Armenian "Holocaust," (Armenians and Jews both use the word "Holocaust" when referring to the mass genocidal slaughter of their ancestors) was a mass genocide, and will remain so historically, in spite of Obama's failure to say the word "genocide," favoring the words "Meds Yeghern" or "Great Catastrophe" instead.

Even though Obama called this mass slaughtering of Armenians "one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century," [1] he just could not seem to get the word "genocide" to proceed from his brain to his lips, via his speech on behalf of the Armenian people on Armenian Remembrance Day, April 24, 2010.

Obama has a habit of choosing to use cleverly disguised words in his public statements, words he considers to be politically incorrect. For example, Obama seems to have a serious problem in using words related to terrorism, or terrorists, especially if those terrorist happen to be violent fanatical Muslim practitioners of Islam, i.e, Islamic Jihad terrorists. In the particular case of Armenian Remembrance Day, Obama did not wish to offend Turkey, Turkish leaders, or the Turkish government.

"Obama's use of Meds Yeghern "is an elegant dodge to avoid using the 'g-word' -- but the substance of what he states about what happened gives no comfort to those who cling to the Turkish official version," says Harvard University's Andras Riedlmayer. "1.5 million Armenians were rounded up and massacred or marched to their death. Despite the passive construction, that assumes intentionality." [2]

"Nevertheless, such nuance was not appreciated by the Armenian American lobby group, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), which rapped Obama for 'disgraceful capitulation to Turkey's threats' and of 'offering euphemisms and evasive terminology to characterize this crime against humanity,' in a press release Saturday." [2]

[1] Statement of President Barack Obama
on Armenian Remembrance Day 

[2] Obama on Armenian Remembrance Day:
"One of worst atrocities in 20th century"
Laura Rozen
April 24, 2010

Related Links

Obama again failed to honour his campaign pledge: ANCA
Frequently Asked Questions About the Armenian Genocide 
Encyclopedia of the Middle East
Ottoman Empire 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Terrorism Is A Real Word and Politically Correct Politicians Don't Own It

Why I am not afraid to use the words "ISLAMIC JIHADIST (JIHAD) TERRORISTS." To not use the word "terrorists" would be to go against everything I believe in. There is no other suitable word. The ultra liberal politically correct "in" crowd prefers to use the words "man-caused disasters" instead of the correct word, "terrorism."

This will never suffice, because all true AMERICAN PATRIOTS know that the REAL WORD is "TERRORISM," "TERRORISTS," and "ISLAMIC JIHADIST (JIHAD) TERRORISTS." If using these words makes you uncomfortable, then perhaps you ought to ask yourself why you have sympathy for those Muslim Jihad fanatics who murder and behead other human beings in the name of their so-called god, Allah?

Why I am not afraid to write or say Politically Incorrect words: I don't believe politically incorrect speech should include racist, anti-Semitic, anti-White, anti-Black, anti-Christian, anti-Mormon or anti-Anybody words or phrases. Politically incorrect words come into play when the attempt is made to verbally transform the concept of evilness (politically correct) into something not so evil, or even good (politically incorrect). When this attempt is successful, then the time to be politically incorrect has arrived.

Saying or writing the words "Jihad," "Jihadist," "terrorists," "terrorism," "Muslim fanatics," and "Islamic fanatics" is acceptable, even though these words are considered to be politically incorrect by leftist liberals, most of whom hate Israelis and support Palestinians.

Related Links

Politically Correct European Union Bans Words Jihad, Islamic, and Fundamentalist
Published March 30, 2007 by: Kimberly West

Why We Must Label Al-Qaeda Terrorism "Jihad Martyrdom"

By: Robert Spencer
Friday, August 10, 2007

Monday, April 19, 2010

Obama Checked "Afro-American" On Census; Neglected To Mention "Irish"

Obama identified himself as being Afro-American on his 2010 Census form. President Barack Obama checked the "black or Afro-American" box on the 2010 Census form. Obama could have checked the "white" box or "some other race" box. Or Barack Obama could have checked both the "white" and  "black or Afro-American" boxes, due to the fact that his father was black and his mother white.

The question is: Why did Barack Obama identify himself as being exclusively "black or Afro-American" on the 2010 Census? Technically, Barack Obama is "biracial," meaning two races, and not exclusively one race. There were 784,764 biracial American residents who checked both the "white" and "black or Afro-American" boxes on the 2010 census form. "This is only the second census to allow people to identify themselves by more than one race. About 7 million people, or 2.4 percent of the U.S. population, chose that option in 2000." 1

Obama obviously wants future historians to describe him in history books as having been the first "black or Afro-American" U.S. President. But this is a half-truth. How is President Barack Obama's decision to not declare himself as being "biracial" fair to a possible future "black or Afro-American" U.S. President who might not happen to be biracial?

This hypothetical future Afro-American U.S. President would go down in history books as having been the second Afro-American U.S. President, instead of the first Afro-American U.S. President. To complicate this matter even further, what if this hypothetical future Afro-American U.S. President turns out to be a conservative Republican instead of a liberal Democrat?

To make things less complicated, Barack Obama could have just declared himself as being "Irish" on his 2010 Census form. *See My Related Post below.

1 Black or biracial? Census forces a choice for some
The Associated Press

Related Links

Why Did Obama Check "Afro-American" On 2010 Census?
topix forum discussion on The New REPUBLIC Post,
Census Nonsense Why Barack Obama isn’t black. John B. Judis

Monday, April 12, 2010

Would Obama Win Election If Voters Voted Today?

Would you vote for Obama today? I recently won a WebAnswers Best Answers Award for my answer to the question: Would you vote for Obama? Granted, there were only 2 answers to this question about voting for Obama in light of what people now know, particularly regarding Obama's Health Bill. Nevertheless, I would like to share my answer with you.

You can read my To Vote or Not To Vote for Obama WebAnswer at:

Monday, April 5, 2010

Obama Poll: Republicans Earn Voters' Trust on Health Care Issue

The Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday, April 5, the day after Easter Sunday:

Strongly Approve 34%
Strongly Disapprove 41%
Presidential Approval Index rating = -7%

I wrote a post on March 19 regarding the Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Poll for that day. On March 19 the Presidential Approval Index rating was -21%.

According to Rasmussen Reports, the number has gone up from -21% to -7% due to the overwhelming support Obama has received from Democrats since the passing of Obama's Health Bill.

Also according to Rasmussen Reports, the number of voters listed in the Strongly Disapprove category has remained 40% for months due to the fact that Obama's Health Bill has had either a slight effect or no effect on Republican and unaffiliated voters. Similarly, 53% of Americans now trust Republicans more than Democrats on the issue of health care.

Rasmussen Reports Poll Information from:
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Monday, April 05, 2010

Conservative Wordsmith Commentary:

I think it is a good sign that American voters trust Republicans more than Democrats on the issue of Health Care.

It would be better if the number increased from 53% to, say, 93%. It would be equally good if American voters would learn to trust Republicans more than Democrats about other issues as well.

America's voters need to learn the truth about Republicans; American voters should read more about American history in relationship to the Republican party. As a starter, I recommend you read my post:

Republicans Yesterday and Today: Historical Document Reveals Conservative Ideals

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Obama Takes A Back Seat To Bush In Recent Poll

President George W. Bush (Republican) is now more popular than President Barack Obama (Democrat).

The March 19, 2010 Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Poll indicates the following:

1. Strongly Approve: 23%

2. Strongly Disapprove: 44%

This equals a result of -21%.

from: Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Conservative Wordsmith Commentary:

Yes, -21% is President Barack Obama's Presidential Approval Index on Friday, March 19, 2010.This Rasmussen poll news is nothing new. In Obama's Poll Numbers Are Falling to Earth, written by By Douglas E. Schoen and Scott Rasmussen, and published in the Wall Street Journal on March 13, 2009, (a little over 1 year ago), the writers stated that, according to the poll data on that date, "Mr. Obama's approval rating is dropping and is below where George W. Bush was in an analogous period in 2001."

Obama's Presidential Approval Index rating on March 13, 2009 was 6%.

Original Publication Date of This Post: March 19, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

Barack Obama or Ron Paul? Which One In 2012?

Would Democrats and Libertarians vote for Barack Obama or Ron Paul in the 2012 Presidential election, should either one of them be running for U.S. President? Given a choice, I wonder who liberals would pick? Would Ron Paul be a better president than President Barack Obama? Or is the reverse true?

I'm glad I won't need to make these decisions because I am not a liberal, Democrat, or Libertarian. If you are someone who might need to make this choice in 2012, which presidential candidate will you support -- Obama or Paul?
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