Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Obama Poll: American Voters Disapprove 41% To 30%

The Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday, May 15, 2010 indicates that Obama's ratings with American voters continue to in a downward direction.

The current Rasmussen Poll results are:

Strongly Approve of Obama: 30%
Strongly Disapprove of Obama: 41%
Obama's Presidential Approval Index rating of -11 {1}

{1} Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Related Link

GOP Electoral Wins Not Votes of Confidence - CQ POLITICS NEWS
By Morton M. Kondracke, Roll Call Contributing Write
May 14, 2010 – 12:04 a.m.

Obama Presses Senate To Pass Financial Reform

Obama is urging the United States Senate to pass the Financial Reform Bill quickly. "In his weekly address Saturday, he characterized the bill as representing 'the strongest consumer financial protections in history.' Mr. Obama says the legislation will stop predatory business practices and make sure both large and small banks are subject to tough oversight." {1}

On the other hand, Republican Congressman Chris Lee "urged Mr. Obama to, in Lee's words, 'really listen' to what Americans are saying about the economy."

{1} Obama Urges US Senate To Pass Financial Reform 

Is President Obama, possibly the most liberal U.S. President in the History of America, really listening to what Americans are saying about the economy? Is Obama really listening to what Americans are saying about anything going on in America? Does Obama even have a clue about what Americans think? Most importantly, does Obama care about America and Americans, or does Obama simply intend to accomplish everything he can to insure that America will be a socialist country before his presidential term is over.

Related Link

Obama Presses Message In New York - The Wall Street Journal
By Laura Meckler And Brody Mullens
MAY 13, 2010, 11:43 P.M. ET

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

National Day of Prayer: A Factual Look At Congress And American History

The National Day of Prayer was not established by President George W. Bush, contrary to what Michael Stone of the Portland Progressive Examiner wrote on April 15, 2010:
The National Day of Prayer service was started by George W. Bush. It was an openly evangelical Christian affair, and was highly inappropriate for an official White House function. It was offensive to all non Christians. Christians must learn that not everyone subscribes to their silly superstition. Their superstition has no business being privileged or even recognized by the federal government.
Author's Commentary: Thank you, Michael Stone, for enlightening all of us about the "silly superstition" called Christianity. In fact, thank you, Michael Stone, for enlightening us about your personal beliefs, and for sharing your completely biased, and obviously liberal, thoughts with conservative Americans who don't happen to agree with you. God exists, Michael Stone, and your beliefs don't change the facts about God, Christianity, and the Bible. 

Here are a few historical facts about National Prayer in America: the first day of National Prayer in America took place in 1775 due to a declaration of the Continental Congress. President George Washington declared a day of Public Thanksgiving and Prayer on February 19, 1795. The National Day of Prayer, as recognized by Christians today, was a bill unanimously passed by Congress on April 17, 1952, and signed by President Harry Truman. The decision to have the National Day of Prayer on the first Thursday in May was made in 1988. {2}

On April 14, 2010, Wisconsin Judge Barbara Crabb decided that The National Day of Prayer is not constitutional. {1}

"The lawsuit against the National Day of Prayer was brought in Wisconsin by a group of atheists and agnostics called the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which argued that it violated the separation of church and state." {1}

Author's Commentary: Congress started the National Day of Prayer approximately 58 years ago. The atheist, secular humanist Freedom from Religion Foundation, co-founded by atheist and co-president Dan Barker, was the moving force behind Judge Barbara Crabb's decision. *See My Related Posts below
*See above quotation.
President Barack Hussein Obama, in spite of his persistent, yet highly questionable, insistence that he is a Christian, will not be holding the National Day of Prayer service at the White House today. What else is there to expect from President Barack Hussein Obama's self-proclaimed Christian faith? President Barack Obama walked out of the National Prayer Breakfast right before Christian quarterback Tim Tebow said his prayer. *See My Related Posts below.
I can't help but wonder if President Barack Hussein Obama would have canceled the National Day of Prayer service at the White House if the prayers to be recited were Muslim prayers. You think? 
{1} National Day of Prayer Deemed Unconstitutional,
but Obama Will Recognize it Anyway
Posted by Brian Montopoli
April 16, 2010 1:34 PM
{2} The National Day of Prayer in the USA (NDP)
History of the NDP

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Obama Ratings Have Congressional Democrats Worried

Obama Ratings and South Africa News.Net: Obama Ratings do not look good to Congressional Democrats according to a South Africa News. Net article published today.

"Political experts have said they believe Republicans will have an easier time than Democrats in motivating their supporters this year due to the president’s poor standing in the polls. Mr Obama's approval rating is around 50 percent or just below in most recent polls. Public-opinion surveys show most Americans find the president likeable, but may not agree with his policies." {1}

{1} Congressional Democrats worried over Obama ratings
South Africa News.NetTuesday 27th April, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Obama Checked "Afro-American" On Census; Neglected To Mention "Irish"

Obama identified himself as being Afro-American on his 2010 Census form. President Barack Obama checked the "black or Afro-American" box on the 2010 Census form. Obama could have checked the "white" box or "some other race" box. Or Barack Obama could have checked both the "white" and  "black or Afro-American" boxes, due to the fact that his father was black and his mother white.

The question is: Why did Barack Obama identify himself as being exclusively "black or Afro-American" on the 2010 Census? Technically, Barack Obama is "biracial," meaning two races, and not exclusively one race. There were 784,764 biracial American residents who checked both the "white" and "black or Afro-American" boxes on the 2010 census form. "This is only the second census to allow people to identify themselves by more than one race. About 7 million people, or 2.4 percent of the U.S. population, chose that option in 2000." 1

Obama obviously wants future historians to describe him in history books as having been the first "black or Afro-American" U.S. President. But this is a half-truth. How is President Barack Obama's decision to not declare himself as being "biracial" fair to a possible future "black or Afro-American" U.S. President who might not happen to be biracial?

This hypothetical future Afro-American U.S. President would go down in history books as having been the second Afro-American U.S. President, instead of the first Afro-American U.S. President. To complicate this matter even further, what if this hypothetical future Afro-American U.S. President turns out to be a conservative Republican instead of a liberal Democrat?

To make things less complicated, Barack Obama could have just declared himself as being "Irish" on his 2010 Census form. *See My Related Post below.

1 Black or biracial? Census forces a choice for some
The Associated Press

Related Links

Why Did Obama Check "Afro-American" On 2010 Census?
topix forum discussion on The New REPUBLIC Post,
Census Nonsense Why Barack Obama isn’t black. John B. Judis

Monday, April 12, 2010

Would Obama Win Election If Voters Voted Today?

Would you vote for Obama today? I recently won a WebAnswers Best Answers Award for my answer to the question: Would you vote for Obama? Granted, there were only 2 answers to this question about voting for Obama in light of what people now know, particularly regarding Obama's Health Bill. Nevertheless, I would like to share my answer with you.

You can read my To Vote or Not To Vote for Obama WebAnswer at:

Monday, April 5, 2010

Obama Poll: Republicans Earn Voters' Trust on Health Care Issue

The Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday, April 5, the day after Easter Sunday:

Strongly Approve 34%
Strongly Disapprove 41%
Presidential Approval Index rating = -7%

I wrote a post on March 19 regarding the Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Poll for that day. On March 19 the Presidential Approval Index rating was -21%.

According to Rasmussen Reports, the number has gone up from -21% to -7% due to the overwhelming support Obama has received from Democrats since the passing of Obama's Health Bill.

Also according to Rasmussen Reports, the number of voters listed in the Strongly Disapprove category has remained 40% for months due to the fact that Obama's Health Bill has had either a slight effect or no effect on Republican and unaffiliated voters. Similarly, 53% of Americans now trust Republicans more than Democrats on the issue of health care.

Rasmussen Reports Poll Information from:
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Monday, April 05, 2010

Conservative Wordsmith Commentary:

I think it is a good sign that American voters trust Republicans more than Democrats on the issue of Health Care.

It would be better if the number increased from 53% to, say, 93%. It would be equally good if American voters would learn to trust Republicans more than Democrats about other issues as well.

America's voters need to learn the truth about Republicans; American voters should read more about American history in relationship to the Republican party. As a starter, I recommend you read my post:

Republicans Yesterday and Today: Historical Document Reveals Conservative Ideals

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Obama Takes A Back Seat To Bush In Recent Poll

President George W. Bush (Republican) is now more popular than President Barack Obama (Democrat).

The March 19, 2010 Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Poll indicates the following:

1. Strongly Approve: 23%

2. Strongly Disapprove: 44%

This equals a result of -21%.

from: Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Conservative Wordsmith Commentary:

Yes, -21% is President Barack Obama's Presidential Approval Index on Friday, March 19, 2010.This Rasmussen poll news is nothing new. In Obama's Poll Numbers Are Falling to Earth, written by By Douglas E. Schoen and Scott Rasmussen, and published in the Wall Street Journal on March 13, 2009, (a little over 1 year ago), the writers stated that, according to the poll data on that date, "Mr. Obama's approval rating is dropping and is below where George W. Bush was in an analogous period in 2001."

Obama's Presidential Approval Index rating on March 13, 2009 was 6%.

Original Publication Date of This Post: March 19, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

Barack Obama or Ron Paul? Which One In 2012?

Would Democrats and Libertarians vote for Barack Obama or Ron Paul in the 2012 Presidential election, should either one of them be running for U.S. President? Given a choice, I wonder who liberals would pick? Would Ron Paul be a better president than President Barack Obama? Or is the reverse true?

I'm glad I won't need to make these decisions because I am not a liberal, Democrat, or Libertarian. If you are someone who might need to make this choice in 2012, which presidential candidate will you support -- Obama or Paul?

Ronald Reagan Foretold Inherent Dangers In Obama Forcing Socialism Down Americans' Throats

President Barack Obama has no right, as President of the United States of America, to coerce Americans into paying for medical care. America is a democracy, not a kingdom, and Obama is a president, not a king.

I don't think he gets that, though, and this is extremely troubling to many Americans, including myself. The great and beloved U.S. President Ronald Reagan was way ahead of the political climate that has just occurred regarding the passing of Obama's Health Care Reform Act by Congress.

President Reagan warned Americans years ago, in 1961 to be exact, about the inherent dangers present in socialized medicine. In Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine, a 1961 LP featuring Ronald Reagan speaking for more than 10 minutes, President Reagan said: "subsidized medicine would curtail Americans' freedom" and that "pretty soon your son won't decide when he's in school, where he will go or what he will do for a living. He will wait for the government to tell him." 1

President Reagan continues: "Reagan says "One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It’s very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project, most people are a little reluctant to oppose anything that suggests medical care for people who possibly can’t afford it." Reagan cites the failure of president Harry Truman's national health insurance proposal as evidence of the American people's rejection of socialized medicine." 1


Ronald Reagan Photo Courtesy of Reagan Library
Original Publication Date of this post: March 22, 2010

Related Links

Romney Backs Repeal Campaign; Palin Warns of November
Ronald Reagan’s Warning About Socialized Medicine – Video and complete transcript
Ronald Reagan speaks out on Socialized Medicine - Audio

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sarah Palin Leads Tea Party Activists To Defeat Reid In Nevada Showdown

Sarah Palin will lead Tea Party activists at "Showdown In Searchlight" event on Saturday in rural Nevada. Sarah Palin and Tea Party activists are anxious to have Senate majority leader Reid out of the political picture this November. More than 1,000 people had already arrived this morning.

"Reid, the Senate majority leader, is credited with helping push through Congress the health care bill that President Obama signed Tuesday, as well as the so-called "fixes" measure that passed Thursday."

Thousands are streaming in to participate in the "Showdown In Searchlight."

Related Links

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Senate Republicans Find Needle In Haystack; GOP Hunts For New Glitches

Senate Republicans discovered a glitch in the new Health Care Bill. The Health Care Bill glitch deals with Pell Grants and low-income college students. 1

CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM COMMENTARY: Democrats rejected every Republican amendment for 9 hours in a row last night and into the wee hours of this morning. Republicans finally noticed a glitch in the Pell Grant early this morning.

Now that Republicans are on a roll, they are going to look for more glitches. Conservatives want to know the answer to this question: Will Republicans find enough glitches in Obama's Health Care Plan to halt it completely?

I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on that one. Democrats have an agenda, and they will not let up on their zeal to turn America into a Socialist-bordering-on Communist country.

This is not only about President Barack Obama's Heathcare Bill. It's about a corrupt liberal leftist Congress with too many Democrats who side with the United Nations on too many issues. Perhaps America will soon be called another name -- Obamica? United Nations of American States? Your guess is as good as mine.

"After nine straight hours of beating back Republican amendments, Senate Democrats hit a temporary snag in the nighttime hours early Thursday. They had hoped to complete work on the fix-it bill by midday Thursday and get it quickly to Obama without changes to avoid prolonging what has been a politically painful ordeal for the party." 1

But Republicans learned early Thursday they will be able to kill some language in the bill that relates to Pell grants for low-income college students. That means the altered bill will have to be returned to the House for final congressional approval before it can be sent to Obama." 1

"Democrats described the situation as a minor glitch, but did not rule out that Republicans might be able to remove additional sections of the bill." 1

"Republicans have been hunting for such violations in hopes of bringing down the legislation. Democrats had also been consulting with the parliamentarian, Alan Frumin, and hoped they had written a measure that would not be vulnerable to such problems."

"The development came as the Senate completed nine hours of uninterrupted voting on 29 GOP amendments to the legislation. Majority Democrats defeated every amendment." 1

"By 57-42, Democrats rejected an amendment by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., barring federal purchases of Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs for sex offenders. Coburn said it would save millions of dollars, while Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., called it "a crass political stunt." 1

Democrats also deflected GOP amendments rolling back the health law's Medicare cuts; killing extra Medicaid funds for Tennessee and other state-specific spending; barring tax increases for families earning under $250,000; and requiring the president and other administration officials to purchase health care from exchanges the statute creates." 1


My Related Posts

How To Escape Obama's Health Care Plan: Join The Amish Or Convert to Islam

U.S. Economy And Political Machinations Of Obama Health Care Plan In America

Obama To Sign Healthcare Bill Using 20 Different Pens

Ronald Reagan Foretold Inherent Dangers In Obama Forcing Socialism Down Americans' Throats

Mitt Romney On Healthcare Bill: "America Has Just Witnessed An Unconscionable Abuse Of Power"

CLINTON IN DENIAL: ISRAELI AMBASSADOR Michael Oren States "U.S. and Israel ARE In A Crisis"

HAMAS SON Mosab Hassan Yousef: Biggest Terrorist Is The God Of The Quran" 

Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin, author of CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM, appreciates your thoughts and comments.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How To Escape Obama's Health Care Plan: Join The Amish Or Convert To Islam

In light of media coverage proclaiming that President Obama's new Health Care Plan is to cover 94-95% of Americans, I have been wondering who the other 5-6% might be. I thought about the Amish. They don't believe in health insurance, but prefer to take care of each other when in need or ill, which is a Christian concept, and part of their strict Christian faith.

I respect the Amish, although I don't agree with some of their tenets. At least they are a peacable people, and generally don't go around physically harming others. On my weblog I previously wrote and published a post about the Amish being exempt from the Military. *See Link To This Post Below.

I have also been wondering about Christian Scientists who, based on their religious beliefs, generally don't believe in going to doctors at all, but rely on their own internal Christian Scientist practitioners. Will they be exempt also?

I have now been alerted to a post published today on American Thinker about the Amish being exempt, due to their religious beliefs, from the new Obama Administration Health Care Plan. Christian Scientists are not mentioned in this particular article, but Orthodox Muslims are! And this has to be the epitomy of nonsensical political correctness within the logic of those who invented this extremely controversial Health Care Plan.

Anyone who lives in the vicinity of Los Angeles, California, which includes myslef, is quite aware of the fact that there are a large number of Muslim doctors in this area who definitely accept medical insurance. My guess is they're not Orthodox Muslims. In fact, the American Thinker post states: "Whether it's all right to serve as a doctor, nurse, or orderly caring for patients whose medical services are being paid for by insurance is not covered in the present response ... " 

To quote the American Thinker article:

It says in Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa'imah (15/251):

"In Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa'imah (15/277) there is a quotation of a statement of the Council of Senior Scholars concerning the prohibition on insurance and why it is haraam:

Firstly: Commercial insurance of all types is haraam because it involves ambiguity, riba, uncertainty, gambling and consuming people's wealth unlawfully, and other shar'i

Secondly: It is not permissible for the Muslim to get involved with insurance companies by working in administration or otherwise, because working in them comes under the heading of cooperating in sin and transgression, and Allaah forbids that as He says: "but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allaah. Verily, Allaah is Severe in punishment"
[al-Maa'idah 5:2]. End quote. 1

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U.S. Economy And Political Machinations Of Obama Health Care Plan In America

The U.S. economy will suffer due to the political machinations of President Barack Obama, and his politically leftist Democratic Congress passing of Obama's Health Care Bill, which has left many Americans feeling fear, confusion, doubt, sorrow, and anger. 

Forcing policies upon American citizens against their wills, policies that are not guaranteed rights in the United States Constitution or Bill of Rights, as far as I know, is unconstitutional. This is just one of many sharp contrasts between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats believe in Big Government, and its ability to govern the lives of Americans; Republicans believe in Americans, and their ability to largely govern their own lives. 

What the Obama Administration has done should be recognized by the United States Supreme Court as being unconstitutional, and, consequently, illegal. The United States Congress has crossed the line of democracy. At least a dozen attorneys, representing twelve states, are planning to sue the Federal government over President Obama's Health Care Plan.

If creating a National Health Insurance Plan was the #1 top priority in the mind of Barack Obama and his Administration, it should have been accomplished without the use of "force," and without getting the IRS involved in this "force" factor.

Creating 16,000 jobs within the IRS, for the main purpose of penalizing and policing Americans who either can't afford, or simply are not interested in, Obama's National Health Plan, for whatever reasons, is not the way to help the American economy.

Related Links

States Plan Legal Challenge To New Health Law --

My Related Posts

Guantanamo (Gitmo) Detainees Transferred to Georgia; Forbidden To Leave Country

Three Guantanamo (Gitmo) Detainees have been transferred from the U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to the country of Georgia.

"Georgia's Interior Ministry says that three former Guantanamo Bay detainees transferred to the ex-Soviet nation will live in freedom but won't be allowed to leave the country."1

"Ministry spokesman Shota Utiashvili said Wednesday that the three detainees come from Middle East countries. He said they would be allowed to contact their families and enjoy other freedoms, but could not travel abroad."1

"A presidential task force recommended at least 80 of the Guantanamo prisoners be brought to the U.S. for trial before civilian courts or military commissions or for continued imprisonment without charges."1

"Since 2002 when the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, was opened, more than 580 detainees have been moved from there to other destinations. At least 38 countries have accepted Guantanamo detainees."1

1 3 Gitmo Detainees Set Free in Georgia -- Click this link to read the entire article.
March 24, 2010
Associated Press

CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH Commentary: I'm glad these 3 Gitmo Detainees won't be able to leave Georgia.

Speaking about Obama's presidential task force, what kind of administration would create a presidential task force to recommend 80 Guantanamo Bay prisoners (politically incorrect words: Jihadist (specifically Muslim) terrorists or Muslim co-conspirators in perpetrating terrorism upon the United States and the world) would want 80 of these dangerous and evil men to go to the United States to be tried? Or be in prison forever (again in the United States?) without any charges?

If you are currently a democrat or libertarian, please consider changing your political leanings before the November elections. The Republican/GOP party is waiting for you. What have you got to lose except unjust anger and moments of pure insanity?

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Obama To Sign Healthcare Bill Using 20 Different Pens

I don't know what the reasoning is behind President Obama's signing the Healthcare Bill with 20 different pens. *See Below For Newly Published Information As To Reasons Why Obama Used 20 Different Pens To Sign Healthcare Bill. Updated On Wednesday, March 24, 2010. 

In addition to members of Congress, there will also be additional Americans, private citizens, who have been invited to the signing ceremony to talk about how they will personally benefit from Obama's Healthplan:

Connie Anderson, from Seville, Ohio

Marcelas Owens from from Seattle, WA

Ryan Smith from Turlock, CA

from: Previewing Obama's Bill Signing
Posted: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 11:31 AM by Domenico Montanaro
Filed Under: White House, Barack Obama

*March 24, 2010 Update:

Reason #1: "Many American presidents have changed pens for the documents they sign. These pens are then given as gifts to diplomats, dignitaries, museums, other senators and other distinguished persons." from 

Reason #2: "He was continuing a long-standing White House tradition for approving important legislation."

"The pens are 'a way of giving a very meaningful memento to the people who played a significant role in passing the legislation,' said Mark Peterson, a professor of public policy and political science at UCLA."

"Obama kept a pen for himself after signing the bill, and 19 pens were given out as mementos. Two will go to his presidential archives."
from the Los Angeles Times article posted by Nicole Santa Cruz, March 24, 2010:
Pens play a role in signing of healthcare legislation

My Related Posts

Obama Isn't White But He Might Still Be Irish
U.S. Economy And Political Machinations Of Obama Health Care Plan In America
Mitt Romney On Healthcare Bill: "America Has Just Witnessed An Unconscionable Abuse Of Power"
Ronald Reagan Foretold Inherent Dangers In Obama Forcing Socialism Down Americans' Throats

You are visiting The Official Site of Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Obama Signs Healthcare Bill - America Now Belongs To Socialists

Obama has signed the Healthcare Bill -- it's official. America is now becoming a Socialist country thanks to President Barack Obama (Democrat), perhaps the most leftist liberal U.S. President in American history.

"Obama paid tribute to what he called the 'historic leadership and uncommon courage' of the members of Congress who pushed ahead with the measure amid the often heated debate. He also hailed the new law, saying it helps lift a 'decades-long drag' on the economy." 1

"Shortly after Obama signed the bill, mostly Republican attorneys general from 13 states said they are suing the federal government to stop the health care overhaul, arguing that the provision that requires Americans to carry health insurance is unconstitutional. Experts say the effort will likely fail because the U.S. Constitution states that federal law supersedes state laws, but the legal challenge may keep the issue fresh in the mind of voters come November." 1

"Now the president must sell the law's merits to a wary American public." 1

"The next act begins Thursday, when Obama visits Iowa City, Iowa, where he announced his health care plan as a presidential candidate in May 2007. There Obama plans to talk about how the new law will help lower health care costs for small businesses and families, selling the overhaul to Americans who are deeply divided over the plan." 1

"The House passed the 10-year, $938 billion bill Sunday night after a rancorous debate. Not one Republican voted for the bill. Some Democrats also voted against it." 1

1 Obama signs landmark health bill into law

My Related Posts

Mitt Romney On Healthcare Bill: "America Has Just Witnessed An Unconscionable Abuse Of Power"

Ronald Reagan Foretold Inherent Dangers In Obama Forcing Socialism Down Americans' Throats

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

ST. PATRICK'S DAY: OBAMA Claims Irish Ancestry From County Offaly, Ireland

President Barack Obama reflected on his Irish heritage on St. Patrick's Day today, March 17. Obama also met with Ireland's Prime Minister Brian Cowen. Obama said he has some Irish blood from his mother's side of the family. "'I believe it was my great-great-great-great-great grandfather,' he said at Speaker Pelosi's Friends of Ireland Luncheon today in the Capitol." 1

"But that's two 'greats'more than the far-removed Irish relative he referred to on St. Patrick's Day a year ago as 'my great-great-great grandfather.'" 1

"Then as now, Mr. Obama said the relative hailed from County Offaly, the same as Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen." 1

1 March 17, 2010 7:13 PM

St. Patrick's Day at the White House: How Many "Greats" in Obama's Irish Grandfather?
Posted by Mark Knoller  - Click this link to read some interesting historical trivial about St. Patrick's Day and the following American Presidents: Franklin Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush.



CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM is owned and operated by one sole author, Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin, who appreciates you, her readers.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


What will President Obama pray about at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, February 4? Barack Obama has a lot to pray about, but will his prayers, if any, be available to all Americans?

Quarterback Tim Tebow is expected to speak at the National Prayer Breakfast. Tim Tebow is a Christian believer in God and the Bible, and  lives his life as a Christian.

Tim Tebow is not afraid to let his fans know about his moral values, his Christian faith, and his belief in the Bible. Tim Tebow is also going to be featured in an already controversial anti-abortion Super Bowl ad.

When conservatives pray with liberals, who knows what might happen?

Information from:

Tebow To Attend National Prayer Breakfast

2/2/10 6:33 PM EST

Related Link

Tebow's Super Bowl ad triggers debate over religion in sports

Florida star's anti-abortion spot wins cheers and jeers.
By Kristen Moulton
The Salt Lake Tribune
Updated: 02/03/2010 05:17:06 PM MST

Monday, December 28, 2009

No Tears For 2009, Thanks To Economic Woes, Health Care, Homeland Security, And A Politically Correct Liberal White House

Why are most Americans glad that 2009 is ending? Is it because of the severe economic crisis? Is the troubled economy the only reason? Is it the health care situation? Is it worries about Social Security and Medicare? How about the Ft. Hood Massacre?

Sarah Palin on Ft. Hood:

I think that there were massive warning flags that were missed all over the place," she said. "I think that it was quite unfortunate that, to me, it was a fear of being politically incorrect to not, I am going to use the word, profile this guy.

The following rather shocking conversation took place between a journalist at Der Spiegel (a German magazine) and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, (Napolitano was appointed by our very liberal President Barack Obama):

SPIEGEL: Madame Secretary, in your first testimony to the US Congress as Homeland Security Secretary you never mentioned the word "terrorism." Does Islamist terrorism suddenly no longer pose a threat to your country?
NAPOLITANO: Of course it does. I presume there is always a threat from terrorism. In my speech, although I did not use the word "terrorism," I referred to "man-caused" disasters. That is perhaps only a nuance, but it demonstrates that we want to move away from the politics of fear toward a policy of being prepared for all risks that can occur.
There is no such word as "man-caused." I looked up the word at, and this questions was posed: "Did you mean uncaused?" It is scary that Janet Napolitano, the person Americans are supposed to trust regarding their security from terrorists, particularly Islamic Jihadist terrorists, finds the word "terrorism" to be politically incorrect.

Just for fun, here is the definition of the word "terrorism," a real word had no trouble in defining (in fact, there are three definitions of the word "terrorism" on


1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.

2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

1785–95; terror + -ism Unabridged

Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.

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Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin, author of CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM, appreciates your thoughts and comments.
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