Showing posts with label Anti-Semitism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anti-Semitism. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

FEMA Concentration Camps in America: Myths, Hoaxes and Lies

FEMA Concentration Camps or FEMA Death Camps in America are myths. The FEMA Concentration Camps Hoax is another Conspiracy Theory. Here is the real Truth: there are no FEMA Concentration Camps in America. Neither are there any FEMA Death Camps in America. America does not have FEMA Concentration Camps. America does not have FEMA Death Camps. Experts have already debunked this conspiracy theory. Yes, debunking conspiracy theories such as the FEMA Concentration Camps myth is the job of expert debunkers.

Do you believe the FEMA Concentration Camps myth, hoax, conspiracy theory or lie (whatever name you choose to call it)? If so, your mind has really been brainwashed by conspiracy theorists. Yes, you have fallen prey to exactly what conspiracy theorists desire: your mind. I have said it before, and I will say it again: there are no FEMA Death Camps or FEMA Concentration Camps anywhere in America. Look at the real evidence and stop believing in myths and hoaxes. The falsehood of these myths and hoaxes has been exposed by expert debunkers who specialize in debunking conspiracy theories.

Here is a real warning for those of you who have become involved with Neo-Nazis and/or Truthers. Truthers choose to believe in AMERICAN FEMA DEATH CAMP FAIRY TALES, but refuse to believe in REAL HISTORICAL HOLOCAUST DEATH CAMPS LIKE AUSCHWITZ. If you have identified yourself with neo-Nazi groups or Truthers, get a grip on reality before it's too late. Your mind is in danger of being lost forever in the dangerous realms of conspiracy theorists, neo-Nazi Holocaust Revisionists, anti-Semitic groups, and political supporters of Ron Paul. FEMA Concentration Camps do NOT exist in America. FEMA Concentrations Camps in America are myths that have been debunked by the experts. *See my "Dig Deeper" Post Below. There is no evidence supporting the hoax of FEMA Death Camps because the whole idea is a hoax.

Are you a skinhead? Yes, you -- you know who you are. You are guilty of anti-Semitism and you belong to a group of people known as deniers. Holocaust deniers deny that the Holocaust really occurred, yet believe in American Fema Death Camps. This is a twisted philosophy that seeps its way into your soul and corrupts it before you even realize what has happened. You are lost. Get away from truthers, neo-Nazis and Ron Paul groupies quickly -- RUN! RUN away as fast as you can, before you no longer have the ability to think for yourself. Do not believe in myths and hoaxes. Do not believe in conspiracy theories, because many conspiracy theories, including the FEMA Concentration Camps or FEMA Death Camps conspiracy theory, have already been debunked by experts. Do NOT allow conspiracy theorists to meddle with your mind.

*Dig Deeper Into The Truth About The FEMA Death Camp Hoax:
Fema Concentration Camps: One More Conspiracy Theory For Truthers

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ahmadinejad Tells United Nations Conspiracy Theory Fairy Tales About U.S.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did not receive a standing ovation from United States delegates during his Conspiracy Theory speech to the United Nations. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad mentioned various conspiracy theories about the "real" reasons why the events of 09/11 took place, then went on to say that the United States used these events in an attempt to prolong "a dying world order of domination." Of course, it goes without saying that those Americans who know that every 9/11 conspiracy theory is a hoax, also know that there are three words that sum up the only factual reason as to what caused the tragic event that occurred on 9/11 at what is now known as Ground Zero: "Islamic Jihadist terrorists."

As a sign of protest, United States delegates walked out during Ahmadinejad's speech when he started to recite his conspiracy theories, including the real clincher: that "some segments within the US government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining American economy and its grips on the Middle East in order also to save the Zionist regime."

By the way, just in passing, Ahmadinejad's speech happened right here in New York City. That's right. Ahmadinejad is allowed to voice his anti-American thoughts right here in the United States of America. Why is Ahmadinejad even allowed to legally enter the United States of America? And how is it possible that Ahmadinejad, a cruel dictator, vile anti-Semite, hater of the United States of America, and conspiracy theorist is allowed to voice his unwanted opinions to the United Nations General Assembly?

Friday, August 20, 2010

France's Expulsion Of The Roma, AKA Gypsies

France's President Nicolas Sarkozy is giving orders that Gypsies, or the Roma, as they prefer to be called, should have their Gypsy camps destroyed, and be deported back to Romania. The command is already being followed. Several Gypsy encampments have been demolished, and Gypsies are already being deported from France.

This is not a matter of illegal immigration, although this is the excuse President Nicolas Sarkozy is giving to the world. France's expulsion of the Roma is a matter of ethnic racism, and demonstrates an extreme disliking of the Roma. This is far too similar to the order given by Hitler to his German Nazi henchmen; the Nazis murdered a vast majority of Gypsies living in Europe.

I can't help but feel compassion for Gypsies because, like Jews, they have had a history of being misunderstood and hated. I find these racist acts by Sarkozy to be unethical, immoral, and uncivil. I guess the French are not quite as sophisticated as all of the hype would indicate.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Helen Thomas Resigns After Saying Jews Should "Get The Hell Out Of Palestine"

Helen Thomas recently revealed her true anti-Semitic colors when she told a Jewish Rabbi that Jews should "get the hell out of Palestine" and move to Germany and Poland. The statement was shocking enough in itself, but it is even more unbelievable that she said these vile, anti-Semitic words unabashedly to a Jewish Rabbi, and that the words were spoken on the White House grounds.

Due to the shock wave her words created, and rightly so, Helen Thomas resigned from the White House press corps yesterday.
Thomas, 89, has been a fixture at the White House press conferences for half a century, for most of that time as a United Press International correspondent, but as an opinion columnist for Hearst since 2000. In that latter role, she used her ability to question the president as an opportunity to push her own views. While White House officials should expect tough questions from reporters, Thomas didn’t exactly challenge George W. Bush and his press aides; rather, she berated them — about war, Middle Eastern politics, and other subjects. 1
1 Helen Thomas: Bizarre end to a long career

Helen Thomas was being interviewed by Rabbi David F. Nesenoff when she told him what she really thinks about Jews and Israel. Rabbi Nesenoff has his own website. Visit Rabbi Nesenoff's website to read Helen Thomas Updates and view his YouTube Complete Version of the Helen Thomas interview.

I'm still trying to digest how a woman with such a long and distinctive career could have said that Jews should "get the hell out of Palestine" and move to Germany or Poland. To be so incredibly uncaring and insensitive to the fact that 6 million Jews were murdered by Hitler and the Nazis in what is known as The Holocaust, is, to me, incomprehensible.

Even in her official apology before resigning, she did not say anything about being sorry for what she said about Jews. I don't think her words fit into the definition of a true apology, and, even you disagee, that still would not have erased the uneasy feeling her words about Jews getting out of Palestine generated in many people. Here is Helen Thomas' apology:
In a written statement issued Friday, Thomas apologized, saying, “I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians.”
She said the comments “do not reflect” her “heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance.”
“May that day come soon,” she added. 2
Since Helen Thomas is now officially retired, maybe she should consider retiring to Poland. I hear there's a house for rent right next door to Auschwitz.

2 Helen Thomas Apologizes for Saying Jews Should 'Get the Hell Out of Palestine'

Related Link

Helen Thomas, Daughter Of Lebanese Immigrants, Apologizes – Should We Care ? Is She An Anti Semite ?

YouTube Video -- Helen Thomas tells Jews to go back to Germany

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Terrorism Is A Real Word and Politically Correct Politicians Don't Own It

Why I am not afraid to use the words "ISLAMIC JIHADIST (JIHAD) TERRORISTS." To not use the word "terrorists" would be to go against everything I believe in. There is no other suitable word. The ultra liberal politically correct "in" crowd prefers to use the words "man-caused disasters" instead of the correct word, "terrorism."

This will never suffice, because all true AMERICAN PATRIOTS know that the REAL WORD is "TERRORISM," "TERRORISTS," and "ISLAMIC JIHADIST (JIHAD) TERRORISTS." If using these words makes you uncomfortable, then perhaps you ought to ask yourself why you have sympathy for those Muslim Jihad fanatics who murder and behead other human beings in the name of their so-called god, Allah?

Why I am not afraid to write or say Politically Incorrect words: I don't believe politically incorrect speech should include racist, anti-Semitic, anti-White, anti-Black, anti-Christian, anti-Mormon or anti-Anybody words or phrases. Politically incorrect words come into play when the attempt is made to verbally transform the concept of evilness (politically correct) into something not so evil, or even good (politically incorrect). When this attempt is successful, then the time to be politically incorrect has arrived.

Saying or writing the words "Jihad," "Jihadist," "terrorists," "terrorism," "Muslim fanatics," and "Islamic fanatics" is acceptable, even though these words are considered to be politically incorrect by leftist liberals, most of whom hate Israelis and support Palestinians.

Related Links

Politically Correct European Union Bans Words Jihad, Islamic, and Fundamentalist
Published March 30, 2007 by: Kimberly West

Why We Must Label Al-Qaeda Terrorism "Jihad Martyrdom"

By: Robert Spencer
Friday, August 10, 2007

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Rush Limbaugh Compared Democrats To Nazis: Results? Chillingly Similar

Conservative Radio host Rush Limbaugh compared Democrats to Nazis on his radio show in August of 2009. What Rush Limbaugh said is food for thought.

Rush Limbaugh's comparisons are chillingly similar, and one shudders to think about a bit of German history Rush Limbaugh mentioned in reference to health care: Nazis were for lifelong National health care for everyone, from babies to adults.

Here is what Rush Limbaugh said about the similarities between Democrats and Nazis:

"'Well, the Nazis were against big business -- they hated big business. And of course we all know that they were opposed to Jewish capitalism. They were insanely, irrationally against pollution. They were for two years mandatory voluntary service to Germany. They had a whole bunch of make-work projects to keep people working, one of which was the Autobahn. They were against cruelty and vivisection of animals, but in the radical sense of devaluing human life, they banned smoking. They were totally against that. They were for abortion and euthanasia of the undesirables, as we all know, and they were for cradle-to-grave nationalized healthcare.'"


Related Links

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

CLINTON IN DENIAL: ISRAELI AMBASSADOR Michael Oren States U.S. and Israel ARE "In A Crisis"

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton disputes Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren's statement to "fellow Israeli diplomats that relations between the two countries are 'in a crisis.'" 1

According to an article published today at CNN Politics, Hillary Clinton believes that there is no crisis. "'Oh, I don't buy that,' Clinton told reporters Tuesday at the State Department." "'We have an absolute commitment to Israel's security. We have a close, unshakable bond between the United States and Israel and between the American and Israeli people.'"

Yet in her next breath, Hillary Clinton said that the United States is disappointed that Israel will allow 1,600 new settler housing units to be constructed in East Jerusalem. "'We'll see what the next days hold,' Clinton said. "'There's just too much at stake for the Palestinians and the Israelis. ... Our goal now is to make sure that we have the full commitment from both our Palestinian and Israeli partners to this effort.'" 1

Clinton also told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the United States wants Israel to issue an official declaration that talks with the Palestinians, even indirect talks, would deal with all the conflict's core issues, including borders, refugees, Jerusalem and settlements, the sources said. 1

CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM COMMENTARY: It would be nice if Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would make up her mind about where the United States of America, under the leadership of the very liberal President Barack Obama, does stand regarding Israel and Jewish settlers.

If Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren thinks Israel and America are "in a crisis," that statement had better be taken seriously, especially by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the rest of President Barack Obama's leftist liberal democratic cabinet.

According to Hillary Clinton's own statements (see above), her concerns, in typical leftist liberal fashion, seems to be more focused on the Palestinians than on the Israelis. If that alone, besides a numerous amount of other pertinent factors, isn't enough to call this a crisis, then I don't know what is.

Either the United States of America is an ally and friend to the Israelis or an ally and friend to the Palestinians; being an ally and friend to both, in light of the terrorist organization Hamas' looming presence in Palestine, is not a wise choice.

Please, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, make up your mind who the U.S. is, in fact, supporting: Israel or Palestine? And please acknowledge that Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren is correct when he states that that the two countries are "in a crisis." The fact is, according to other News Sources (see Related Links below), the U.S./Israel relationship is at its lowest in 35 years.

1 Clinton dismisses any crisis with Israel
   From Jill Dougherty, CNN Foreign Affairs Correspondent

   March 16, 2010 4:53 p.m. EDT

Related Links

Israel envoy: U.S. ties at their lowest ebb in 35 years

By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent and Haaretz Service

Ties between Israel and US 'worst in 35 years' 

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24 Hero Jack Bauer Confesses To Muslim Imam On Deathbed

24's 7th Season: Jack Bauer's Muslim Imam Confession Continues To Perplex Fans Worldwide



CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM is owned and operated by Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin. Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin is the sole author of CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

HAMAS SON Mosab Hassan Yousef: "Biggest Terrorist Is The God Of The Quran"

Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of a Hamas founder, and a man who helped Israel's security forces murder and arrest members of the Islamic Jihadist Terrorist group Hamas, told the Associated Press, during a 50-minute interview on Wednesday, March 3, the Muslim religion "is not a religion of peace." 1 

"In his memoir, Yousef, the 32-year-old son of a Hamas founder, claims he was one of the Shin Bet security agency's best assets and was dubbed The Green Prince, a reference to his Hamas pedigree and the Islamists' signature green color." 1

"Sheik Hassan Yousef said in a letter that his family had renounced 'the one who was once our eldest son, who is called Mosab.'" 1

"The son 'disbelieved in God' and 'collaborated with our enemies,' said the father, who's serving a six-year term in an Israeli prison." 1

It is worth mentioning that, in the interim, Yousef converted to Christianity. "Yousef said he started working with the Shin Bet after he was arrested and witnessed Hamas brutalities inside prison. When he was released in 1997, he started meeting with the Shin Bet and gravitating toward Christianity." 1

"And he hurled his most inflammatory comments at Islam, which he called a religion that teaches people to kill." 1

"In referring to the Muslim religion, or religion of Islam, Yousef said, 'It is not a religion of peace,' said Yousef, who converted to Christianity. 'The biggest terrorist is the God of the Quran. I know this is very dangerous and this will offend many people. The more you follow the steps of the prophet of Islam and the God of Islam, the more you get close to being a terrorist.'" 1

"'The God of Quran is trying to unskin Muslims from their humanity,' he said, later adding, 'Muslims are good people. But their God is absolutely bad.'"

According to the Associated Press, Yousef's life is now in danger because of his speaking out against Hamas and the Muslim religion. But Yousef has a story to tell, and has written, and newly published, a book entitled "Son of Hamas." Yousef said that if Hamas kills him, they will be responsible for his blood. 1

1 AP Interview: Hamas spy unafraid, criticizes Islam 

AUTHOR'S COMMENTARY: I find it absolutely fascinating that this young 32-year old man, raised in the religion of Islam by a founder of the Islamic Jihadist "Terrorist" group Hamas (or, if you are politically correct, which I am not, Islamic "Militant" Group Hamas) is willing to risk his life to tell the world the truth about the inherrent violence and evilness of the Muslim religion, and of the Muslim "god" of the Koran or Quran. (I purposely did not capitalize the word "god," in referring to "Allah", the Muslim religion's conception of the word.)

If you think Allah, the "god" of the Quran, is the same "God" of the Holy Bible, as in the God of Judaism and Christianity, think again. In fact, if you think Allah is god at all, think twice.

The Muslim Terrorist tactic of beheading "infidels" while, at the same time, shouting in Arabic "Allah is great! There is no god but Allah," leads any reasonable mind to the correct conclusion that Allah is not god. But then there are many people, expecially those on the politically correct liberal political spectrum, who do not have reasonable minds.

Related Links -- After writing and publishing this post, Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin, author and publisher of CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM, became a fan of Mosab Hassan Yousef on Facebook. Join Susan Baldwin in supporting Mosab Hassan Yousef on Facebook. You can also join Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin on Facebook, where you will be able to connect with 3,000+ friends!

Son of Hamas Leader Tells Hannity “Moderate” Islam Does not Exist~ Video
Son of Hamas Leader Turns Back on Islam and Embraces Christianity 

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