In the history of Fox TV's 24 series, the 7th Season, and final episode, depicting Jack Bauer's deathbed confession with a Muslim imam has sparked possibly the biggest controversy since the show first started.
I maintain 2 sites, this one (, and my blog ( Both sites have been receiving many visitors today upon publishing my initial published post earlier, "24 Hero Jack Bauer Confesses To Muslim Imam On Deathbed." *See My Related Posts below.
What exactly is a Muslim imam? According to Wikipedia, "An imam (Arabic: إمام plural ائمة A'immah, Persian: امام) is an Islamic leadership position. Often the leader of a mosque and the community."
Click the provided Wikipedia link to read more. states that a imam is
"In law and theology, the caliph who is successor to Muhammad as the lawful temporal leader of the Islamic community.
The male prayer leader in a mosque.
The Muslim worshiper who leads the recitation of prayer when two or more worshipers are present."
Click the above link to for a more detailed definition of a imam.
My Related Posts (Must-Reads--Read My Take On The Controversy.)
*24 Hero Jack Bauer Confesses To Muslim Imam On Deathbed
24 Saga Of Jack Bauer's Confession to a Muslim Imam Continues
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24: Will Jack Bauer Be Dead Or Alive In Season 8?
See Jack Bauer In Season 7 On Blu-Ray Now! - Purchase Season 7 On My Site!
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Showing posts with label Jack Bauer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jack Bauer. Show all posts
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
24 Saga Of Jack Bauer's Confession to a Muslim Imam Continues
Earlier this morning, I wrote a post about Kiefer Sutherland's character, Jack Bauer, as he was portrayed on Monday night's final episode of 24. I have received many hits on my site since then. Obviously depicting Jack Bauer as making his final deathbed confession to a Muslin imam has struck a strong chord with many 24 fans.
I have been an avid fan and follower of 24 since Day 1, and I don't recall Jack Bauer's religion having ever been mentioned on any of the previous episodes. Jack Bauer, having been a crusader, in a manner of speaking, against terrorism in past episodes, Muslim Jihadist terrorism in particular, has never shown any religious interest in becoming a Muslim.
It is puzzling as to why the writers/producers (bear in mind that Kiefer Sutherland is one of the producers of 24) chose to do this. Are they that anxious to make fans of the Muslim population at large? Or are they now being overly zealous in their efforts to try to erase the memories in the minds of those protesting Muslims who were offended in the early days of the series, when the main focus of the show was to catch evil Muslim Jihadist terrorists, and even torture them?
Since I am not one of the writers or producers of 24, I can't claim to know the definitive answer to this perplexing question. However, I do believe that this tactic, that is to say, Jack Bauer's deathbed confession to the spiritual Muslim imam, has not set well with the general population of avid 24 fans. It is not at all in character with Jack Bauer's past actions, and it really makes no sense at all.
And the greater question is in the minds of many 24 fans: Is Jack Bauer now actually a Muslim? Did he convert to Islam? Is he going to convert to Islam if he doesn't die? Or did he just not have any religious ties at all to any religion, and just happened to decide, at the last moment of his possible death, to request a visitation from a representative of a religion to which he has previously shown absolutely no interest whatsoever?
Of course, there is one other possibility: maybe Jack Bauer's body and brain have been so contaminated by exposure to dangerous substances (this happened in another 24 episode during Season 7), that he is now totally insane. Somehow, though, I don't think this is the answer. What appeared to be a conservative show with sometimes liberal slants has now taken a turn into a previously undiscovered dimension. Maybe the 8th season of 24 should even have a new name: The Twilight 24.
My Related Posts
Annie Wersching, Alias 24's Renee Walker, Deserves Best Actress Emmy Carlos Bernard, Alias 24's Tony Almeida, Deserves Best Actor Emmy 24: Will Jack Bauer Be Dead Or Alive In Season 8? 24 Hero Jack Bauer Confesses To Muslim Imam On Deathbed
Related Link
I have been an avid fan and follower of 24 since Day 1, and I don't recall Jack Bauer's religion having ever been mentioned on any of the previous episodes. Jack Bauer, having been a crusader, in a manner of speaking, against terrorism in past episodes, Muslim Jihadist terrorism in particular, has never shown any religious interest in becoming a Muslim.
It is puzzling as to why the writers/producers (bear in mind that Kiefer Sutherland is one of the producers of 24) chose to do this. Are they that anxious to make fans of the Muslim population at large? Or are they now being overly zealous in their efforts to try to erase the memories in the minds of those protesting Muslims who were offended in the early days of the series, when the main focus of the show was to catch evil Muslim Jihadist terrorists, and even torture them?
Since I am not one of the writers or producers of 24, I can't claim to know the definitive answer to this perplexing question. However, I do believe that this tactic, that is to say, Jack Bauer's deathbed confession to the spiritual Muslim imam, has not set well with the general population of avid 24 fans. It is not at all in character with Jack Bauer's past actions, and it really makes no sense at all.
And the greater question is in the minds of many 24 fans: Is Jack Bauer now actually a Muslim? Did he convert to Islam? Is he going to convert to Islam if he doesn't die? Or did he just not have any religious ties at all to any religion, and just happened to decide, at the last moment of his possible death, to request a visitation from a representative of a religion to which he has previously shown absolutely no interest whatsoever?
Of course, there is one other possibility: maybe Jack Bauer's body and brain have been so contaminated by exposure to dangerous substances (this happened in another 24 episode during Season 7), that he is now totally insane. Somehow, though, I don't think this is the answer. What appeared to be a conservative show with sometimes liberal slants has now taken a turn into a previously undiscovered dimension. Maybe the 8th season of 24 should even have a new name: The Twilight 24.
My Related Posts
Annie Wersching, Alias 24's Renee Walker, Deserves Best Actress Emmy Carlos Bernard, Alias 24's Tony Almeida, Deserves Best Actor Emmy 24: Will Jack Bauer Be Dead Or Alive In Season 8? 24 Hero Jack Bauer Confesses To Muslim Imam On Deathbed
Related Link
Jack Bauer,
Jihadist Terrorists,
24: Will Jack Bauer Be Dead Or Alive In Season 8?
The final episode of Season 7 on Fox TV's 24 Monday night hinted at the strong possibility that Jack Bauer (portrayed by actor Kiefer Sutherland) will still be alive in Season 8. In the last few moments, Jack Bauer's daughter asked the medical person in charge to do the stem cell procedure, implying that Jack will not die after all.
If the stem cell procedure does occur in a future 24 episode, this will not be offensive to conservatives, since the stem cells will come from Kim Bauer (portrayed by actress Elisha Cuthbert), Jack Bauer's adult daughter, and not from an aborted embryo.
My Related Posts
Annie Wersching, Alias 24's Renee Walker, Deserves Best Actress Emmy
Carlos Bernard, Alias 24's Tony Almeida, Deserves Best Actor Emmy
24 Hero Jack Bauer Confesses To Muslim Imam On Deathbed
If the stem cell procedure does occur in a future 24 episode, this will not be offensive to conservatives, since the stem cells will come from Kim Bauer (portrayed by actress Elisha Cuthbert), Jack Bauer's adult daughter, and not from an aborted embryo.
My Related Posts
Annie Wersching, Alias 24's Renee Walker, Deserves Best Actress Emmy
Carlos Bernard, Alias 24's Tony Almeida, Deserves Best Actor Emmy
24 Hero Jack Bauer Confesses To Muslim Imam On Deathbed
Jack Bauer,
Jihadist Terrorists,
Kiefer Sutherland,
24 Hero Jack Bauer Confesses To Muslim Imam On Deathbed
The final 2 episodes of 24 Monday night left viewers with questions about the show's hero Jack Bauer (portrayed by Kiefer Sutherland) asking to speak to a Muslim imam on his supposed deathbed. I checked on, the official 24 site, and there are some discussions on the forum about Jack Bauer seeing a Muslim imam on his deathbed.
Click these links to view current discussions:
Ironic twist- Jack coverts to Islam
Jack turns Muslim? Ha!
It is interesting that 24 initially gained extreme popularity after 9/11, especially with conservatives (I have been a huge fan of 24 since Day 1), due to its focus on terrorism, specifically fanatical Muslim, or Jihadist, terrorists. (Even popular conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, for example, stated that he is a huge fan of this show, at least he used to be. Rush Limbaugh has mentioned that he had flown in to Los Angeles to be a special backstage guest at the 24 studio a few years ago.)
Somewhere down the road, 24 was criticized for being politically incorrect, and eventually an official and very politically correct apology was made (I believe by Kiefer Sutherland), regarding the Muslim issue, during one of the commercial breaks. Was an apology really necessary?
Now the final episode depicts Jack Bauer as looking up to the Muslim imam as, evidently, the only religious person he could think of to talk to during his last few breaths on earth. I guess the producers (and Kiefer Sutherland, the actor who portrays Jack Bauer, is one of the producers of 24) have now decided to carry their political correctness to the extreme. Why did the producers of 24 ever feel the need to please and pacify the Muslim community in the first place? Do they honestly think that the viewers don't know what they're trying to do? Why not have Jack Bauer call in his family Christian pastor, for example? Maybe Jack Bauer has always been an atheist.
Don't get me wrong. I'm glad that Jack Bauer chose to talk to someone with some kind of spiritual authority, and I would like to mention that the actor who portrays the Muslim imam does so with just the right spiritual touch. It's just disturbing that while the praise of the virtues of a Muslim imam are portrayed, the possibility of a Christian pastor's ability to give counsel are completely ignored, especially in light of the fact that 24 has many conservative viewers who might also happen to be Christians. 24 fans are wondering if Jack Bauer has now converted to Islam.
I think the producers of 24 should, in the future, focus their attention on two things: their original purpose for this show, and excellent writing, rather than being so overly concerned about being politically correct. After all, it wasn't political correctness that made this show popular in the first place. It was the show's strong stance against Islamic terrorism, particularly the Jihad branch adhered to by Jihadist terrorists, that made 24, and the American hero Jack Bauer, one of the most popular series in the history of television.
My Related Links
Annie Wersching, Alias 24's Renee Walker, Deserves Best Actress Emmy Carlos Bernard, Alias 24's Tony Almeida, Deserves Best Actor Emmy
24: Will Jack Bauer Be Dead Or Alive In Season 8?
See Jack Bauer In Season 7 On Blu-Ray Now! - Purchase Season 7 On My Site!
Subscribe to my site.
Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin, author of CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM, appreciates your thoughts and comments.
Click these links to view current discussions:
Ironic twist- Jack coverts to Islam
Jack turns Muslim? Ha!
It is interesting that 24 initially gained extreme popularity after 9/11, especially with conservatives (I have been a huge fan of 24 since Day 1), due to its focus on terrorism, specifically fanatical Muslim, or Jihadist, terrorists. (Even popular conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, for example, stated that he is a huge fan of this show, at least he used to be. Rush Limbaugh has mentioned that he had flown in to Los Angeles to be a special backstage guest at the 24 studio a few years ago.)
Somewhere down the road, 24 was criticized for being politically incorrect, and eventually an official and very politically correct apology was made (I believe by Kiefer Sutherland), regarding the Muslim issue, during one of the commercial breaks. Was an apology really necessary?
Now the final episode depicts Jack Bauer as looking up to the Muslim imam as, evidently, the only religious person he could think of to talk to during his last few breaths on earth. I guess the producers (and Kiefer Sutherland, the actor who portrays Jack Bauer, is one of the producers of 24) have now decided to carry their political correctness to the extreme. Why did the producers of 24 ever feel the need to please and pacify the Muslim community in the first place? Do they honestly think that the viewers don't know what they're trying to do? Why not have Jack Bauer call in his family Christian pastor, for example? Maybe Jack Bauer has always been an atheist.
Don't get me wrong. I'm glad that Jack Bauer chose to talk to someone with some kind of spiritual authority, and I would like to mention that the actor who portrays the Muslim imam does so with just the right spiritual touch. It's just disturbing that while the praise of the virtues of a Muslim imam are portrayed, the possibility of a Christian pastor's ability to give counsel are completely ignored, especially in light of the fact that 24 has many conservative viewers who might also happen to be Christians. 24 fans are wondering if Jack Bauer has now converted to Islam.
I think the producers of 24 should, in the future, focus their attention on two things: their original purpose for this show, and excellent writing, rather than being so overly concerned about being politically correct. After all, it wasn't political correctness that made this show popular in the first place. It was the show's strong stance against Islamic terrorism, particularly the Jihad branch adhered to by Jihadist terrorists, that made 24, and the American hero Jack Bauer, one of the most popular series in the history of television.
My Related Links
Annie Wersching, Alias 24's Renee Walker, Deserves Best Actress Emmy Carlos Bernard, Alias 24's Tony Almeida, Deserves Best Actor Emmy
24: Will Jack Bauer Be Dead Or Alive In Season 8?
See Jack Bauer In Season 7 On Blu-Ray Now! - Purchase Season 7 On My Site!
Subscribe to my site.
Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin, author of CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM, appreciates your thoughts and comments.
Jack Bauer,
Jihadist Terrorists,
Friday, November 21, 2008
24 Hero Jack Bauer on "Redemption" soon: Will Jack Redeem Us All From Boring TV Shows?
The character named Jack Bauer, of the immensely popular 24 series (heroically acted by Kiefer Sutherland), will soon return to television after a long and anticipated wait. There will be a special 2 hour event called Redemption on Sunday, November 23 8/7 PM c. The 7th Season of 24, however, will not begin until January 11th. (I hope I can wait that long!) The 4 hour event will be on Sunday, January 11th for 2 hours, and Monday, January 12th for 2 hours. Seriously, this has got to be one of the greatest television series of all time. I absolute love 24!
Thanks to for the information.
Please note that at you may also watch full episodes of 24, read interesting articles such as "24 reasons why Jack Bauer rules," and even join the 24 community.
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Thanks to for the information.
Please note that at you may also watch full episodes of 24, read interesting articles such as "24 reasons why Jack Bauer rules," and even join the 24 community.
Don't forget to search my blog for other great posts, by using the "Search This Blog" search box. This is a great tool, folks. It makes it so much easier to find any post. Try it! Also, check out my new CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH SITE SEARCH CUSTOM SEARCH ENGINE (Located at the bottom of every website page). Type in any word and you will be amazed at the unique results!
Jack Bauer,
Kiefer Sutherland
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