Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Anti-Waterboarder Behar Gets Verbal Punch From Coulter

Ann Coulter had a quick response to Joy Behar's liberal anti-waterboarding comment: "You support abortion!:"

Facebook (25)
Video Posted by Facebook friend Sam Samford

Bush on Ted Stevens: " Ted served our country with great distinction."

President George W. Bush issued a Facebook status message on his Facebook wall today regarding the death of Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, and others, in Monday's tragic Alaskan airplane crash. President Bush said that "Ted served our country with great distinction." President Bush also said that he and former First Lady Laura Bush are praying for, and send their condolences to, the survivors' families. 

Ted Stevens was 86 years old. Ironically, Stevens was a survivor of an airplane crash that occurred in 1978. Ted Stevens was also a World War II pilot who had received military decorations. Ted Stevens served the United States as a Republican Senator for 40 years.

Conservative Wordsmith ™ Susan Baldwin  thanks former President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush for their presence on Facebook, and joins George and Laura Bush in their prayers. 

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Good Men Are Indeed Hard To Find

Are there any good men left in the world? Where are the heroes, the true good men? Why does the expression "A good man is hard to find" ring more true today than ever? Do you know any good men, or do the men you meet seem good when, in fact, they are not? Do you know any men who truly seek God's direction in their lives?

Is there even such a thing as a good man? How can you tell? A man can be a good man without being perfect. A tireless and completely unselfish act of loving kindness is one sign that a man might be a good man. When an elderly husband becomes his wife's caretaker, and sacrifices many hours of his life for her welfare, this is a good man. When a young man joins the Army and becomes a soldier because he wants to protect and defend America and Americans, this is a good man.

Even though no man can ever truly be good, due to the inherent sinful nature in all human beings, some men stand apart from the masses of men, nobly performing their heroic deeds to a largely ungrateful humanity. These are the men who inspire and influence many other men who wish to emulate their inner strength. These are the good men who are hard to find.
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