Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Catholic Cardinal Says Protests Against Ground Zero Mosque are "Not American"

Religious intolerance are key words that express the views of 36 religious leaders regarding the construction of a Muslim mosque near Ground Zero. Religious leaders representing Jews, Roman Catholics, Protestants, Eastern Orthodox, and Muslims met in Washington D.C. on Tuesday night, one night before the beginning of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, at the invitation of the Islamic Society of North America.

Certain religious leaders have voiced their opinions that anyone who is against the construction of a Muslim mosque near Ground Zero is tantamount to being a Nazi. The religious leaders did not actually use the word "Nazis" or "Hitler," but the implication is definitely present when you read the religious leaders' comments about the Ground Zero Muslim mosque, even going so far as Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick's assertion that any protest about the building of a Muslim mosque near Ground Zero is not American.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Muslim Fanaticism Is Harmful To Muslims

This is an excellent article that was shared on my Facebook wall today by Kimberly Baehr, a Facebook friend.  The title of Kimberly's Note is: "Facebook | The Peaceful Majority vs. Patriot Activism: Where do you stand?The article is entitled, "A WWII German’s Point Of View On Islam," and the author is Paul E. Marek.

Muslim fanaticism is dangerous to everyone, including those who proclaim themselves to be peaceful Muslims. An Islamic terrorist and a Muslim pacifist differ greatly about their political ideals, but a Muslim pacifist who does and says nothing is not really a pacifist. Why? The so-called Muslim pacifist's silence in the face of brutal Islamic terrorism helps to support terrorists and their ideologies. Islamic terrorist activism is extremely dangerous to America and to the world. It is more than a mere political gesture on the part of fanatical Muslims. It is a statement about their core beliefs, which in and of themselves are extremely frightening.

Friday, August 20, 2010

France's Expulsion Of The Roma, AKA Gypsies

France's President Nicolas Sarkozy is giving orders that Gypsies, or the Roma, as they prefer to be called, should have their Gypsy camps destroyed, and be deported back to Romania. The command is already being followed. Several Gypsy encampments have been demolished, and Gypsies are already being deported from France.

This is not a matter of illegal immigration, although this is the excuse President Nicolas Sarkozy is giving to the world. France's expulsion of the Roma is a matter of ethnic racism, and demonstrates an extreme disliking of the Roma. This is far too similar to the order given by Hitler to his German Nazi henchmen; the Nazis murdered a vast majority of Gypsies living in Europe.

I can't help but feel compassion for Gypsies because, like Jews, they have had a history of being misunderstood and hated. I find these racist acts by Sarkozy to be unethical, immoral, and uncivil. I guess the French are not quite as sophisticated as all of the hype would indicate.

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