Showing posts with label Americans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Americans. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Obama Says He Has "No Regrets" For Endorsing Ground Zero Mosque

President Barack Obama should have kept silent regarding the Ground Zero mosque. Does Obama have any regrets? According to today's New York Daily News article, Obama has no regrets about his recent remarks in which he endorsed the building of a Muslim mosque near New York city's Ground Zero. 

This seems to be one of the many problems that is alienating more and more Americans from Obama's presidency. Obama just doesn't seem to have any regrets over any of his irresponsible acts and words as acting President of the US. I don't think  the word "accountability" is in Obama's dictionary; at least not where Americans are concerned. 

Read more: Obama has 'no regrets' over Ground Zero mosque remarks; poll finds 63% oppose WTC location

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Obama Says Ground Zero Mosque Asserts Muslims' Religious Rights

Obama broke his silence regarding the controversial Ground Zero Mosque at a special Ramadan dinner held for Muslims at the White House on Friday. Obama stated that Muslims "have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country," Obama said, according to a White House transcript. "That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in Lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances."

Mayor Michael Bloomberg has turned out to be a huge disappointment, not only to conservatives, but to many New Yorkers, as he verbally applauded President Obama's defense of the mosque. In an official statement issued Friday evening, Mayor Bloomberg also spoke positively about the Ground Zero mosque, saying: "As I said last week, this proposed mosque and community center in Lower Manhattan is as important a test of the separation of church and state as we may see in our lifetime, and I applaud President Obama's clarion defense of the freedom of religion tonight." 

Obama continues to succeed at being at odds with the majority of Americans on just about any topic, whether it concerns health care, politics, or religion. The vast majority of Americans (68%) are outraged about Muslims having the gall, and the legal right, to build a mosque near Ground Zero. This is a slap in the face to the relatives of those people who were unexpectedly and mercilessly murdered by Muslim (Jihad) terrorists on 9/11. 

Oh, by the way, if Obama thinks Americans don't have the legal right to say the word "Muslim," "Jihad," or "Jihadist" before the word "terrorists," (another word on his politically incorrect list) he had better think again. Does he plan on changing Americans' right to freedom of speech? Is this one of the big "changes" Obama promised during his presidential campaign? 

The truth is the truth, and the terrorists (yes, President Obama, there really are terrorists in the REAL world) who flew their airplanes into New York City's World Trade Center on 9/11 were Muslims. This is a fact, and no amount of politically correct editing of words will ever change the facts of what happened on that terrible day in American history. I applaud journalists Peter Nicholas and Julia Love, Tribune Washington Bureau, by the way, for not being afraid to use the words "Muslim terrorists" in their article.

The whole idea of building a Muslim mosque near Ground Zero is so ridiculous that it borders on the absurd. The absurdity and near-lunacy of liberal thinking is evident when political leaders unabashedly state that building a Muslim mosque in the same part of New York City where the World Trade Center once proudly stood is a legal right and a way to test the separation of church and state.  

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Two Kinds of Men: Hero and Anti-Hero

Are you the kind of man who is a hero, or are you an anti-hero? A man needs to decide at some point in his life what kind of man he is going to be, either a hero or an anti-hero, and his actions should reflect this important decision. Heroes are self-confident, but seek God's face when making important decisions.

What does it mean to seek God's face? This means you pray and ask God for guidance, even though the answer might not be the one you expect. For example, if you are thinking about cheating on your wife, God is not going to approve of your actions, even if your wife happens to be far less than perfect.

Jack Bauer, the character in Fox TV's now defunct 24 series, is actually both a hero and an anti-hero, depending upon the situation at hand. On the one hand, Jack Bauer is a hero, an anti-terrorist who is not afraid to be politically incorrect, but on the other hand, Jack Bauer is also an ex-heroin addict who ended up being a disappointing anti-hero, actually a serial killer, during 24's last remaining episodes.

Heroes practice Agape love, which is a special kind of love that places the welfare of others above his own. In other words, a hero is completely unselfish, and has enough faith in God, when faced with either a serious temptation, or a difficult decision, to do the right thing. What difference does it make if you do the right thing? Do your actions matter that much? Yes, your actions do indeed count more than you might realize. Everything you do affects those you care about, and can even affect total strangers.

You have the power to set either a good or bad example to those around you, whether in person or online. If you are an online author with your own blog, a freelance writer, or are involved in forums and online social networking sites on the Internet, you have the capability and responsibility of setting a good example to those who read your words.

Heroes are brave men who risk their lives to save others. A few examples of everyday American heroes range from your neighborhood policemen and firemen to soldiers, marines, and all those courageous men who protect and defend all Americans and their country, the United States of America.

Do you want people who read what you write to be positively or negatively affected? Do you want your wife, relatives, friends, and Internet buddies to benefit in a good way from the words you write? If you do, choose what kind of man you are: hero or anti-hero.

Friday, June 4, 2010

McDonalds Recalls 12 Million Cadmium-Tainted Shrek Glasses

McDonalds recalls 12 million Shrek drinking glasses because traces of Cadmium, a toxic metal, were found in the painted design. Shrek Forever After, the 4th Shrek movie, will not end happily ever after due to McDonalds recall of 12 million Shrek drinking glasses. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) said the painted design on the Shrek glasses sold by McDonalds were made by ARC International in Millville, New Jersey. No deaths or injuries have been reported.
The sale of the 16-ounce glasses was part of the promotional campaign for the movie "Shrek Forever After," which was produced by DreamWorks Animation and released by Viacom Inc's Paramount Pictures.

The glasses came in four designs with characters from the film: Shrek, Fiona, Puss in Boots and Donkey.

Shrek, the fourth movie in the series about the lovable green ogre's adventures in his fairy tale land, opened May 21 and is currently the most popular movie in North America, having grossed almost $150 million through the end of May. 1
1 McDonald's recalls 12 million Shrek drinking glasses

Tom Reed, vice president of human resources at Arc International’s plant in Millville, says the company received a copy of a McDonald’s memo on the recall of 12 million glasses but has not heard anything else.

Reed would not say where the paint was made or whether it’s used in Arc’s other products. Arc is based in France and owns the Pyrex brand of cookware in Europe. 2
2 NJ factory that makes ‘Shrek’ drinking glasses says it’s looking into recall over cadmium 

Conservative Wordsmith ™ Commentary: The Shrek Forever After drinking glasses were made in New Jersey, which is in America. The state of New Jersey is not located in China. Does this mean China is off the hook for this recall? Maybe not.

I must admit my initial thought, after reading that the drinking glasses were made in New Jersey, was "But where did the paint come from?" After doing more research, I discovered the article (see above) which mentions that Tom Reed, vice president of human resources at Arc International’s plant in Millville, New Jersey did not disclose where the paint was made.

Even though Arc is "based" in France, once again, this doesn't mean ingredients, like paint, used by Arc are from France.

Mr. Reed, I want to know the truth. Where was the Cadmium-tainted paint made? Was the paint used in the Shrek Forever After drinking glasses made in China? Can you please tell me?

McDonalds is an American company, and American children could have been at risk. Now don't get me wrong. I don't want to start yet another Conspiracy Theory. But I really would like to know where that paint was made, Mr. Reed.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Prayer For American Soldiers and Heroes

I wrote this prayer for American soldiers, heroes and everyone who seeks God's face. I ask God to bless all of you.

If you have been the target of physical, intellectual, or emotional intolerance, this prayer is also for you.

King James Bible
Psalm 24:6: "This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah." 1

King James Bible
Psalm 27:8: "When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek." 2
Memorial Day Prayer For American Soldiers and Heroes

May you always be blessed by the one, true God.

May He always lift you up out of depression and hopelessness.

May you always be directed and guided by Him whenever you need to make decisions about anything important in your life.

May you learn to be tolerant toward those that believe differently than you do.

May you learn to be tolerant toward those of other ethnic and religious backgrounds.

May you understand that God's tolerance far surpasses your imperfect interpretation.

May you come to an understanding that even those who vehemently protest belief in God may, in fact, be closer to Him than you realize. Sometimes protest is an outward form of an inner spiritual struggle.

May you continue to walk on a good and righteous path, and may no harm or evil ever befall you.

May you never give your fear the power to destroy your dreams.


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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rasmussen Poll Indicates Obama's Presidential Performance Is -20

Tuesday, May 25 -- Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Poll:

American voters voted on how Barack Obama is performing in his role as U.S. President? Here are the results:

Strongly Approve: 24%
Strongly Disapprove: 44%
Presidential Approval Index rating: -20%
Overall, 42% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the president's performance. That is the lowest level of approval yet measured for this president. Fifty-six percent (56%) now disapprove of his performance. 1
1 Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Author's Commentary: Obama's popularity has been going down in the Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Polls for quite awhile now. It would seem that there are plenty of voters in America who simply can no longer stomach Obama's liberal agenda to bring America into alignment with the European Union , the United Nations, and socialism.

At least President George W. Bush had the courage to stand against the opinions of the mighty United Nations. Bush did not allow the UN to rule over America, and that is how it should be.

24 Hero Jack Bauer Is Alive At End of 24's Final Episode

Jack Bauer (actor Kiefer Sutherland) is still alive as FOX TV 24's Final Episode revealed on Monday night, May 24, 2010. During 24's last 2 hours of Season 8 (and also 24's final episode) President Allison Taylor realizes that she must try to save Jack Bauer.

Jack Bauer almost assassinates two persons: former U.S. President Charles Logan and Yuri Suvarov, President of the Russian Federation. But Jack's CTU friend Chloe O'Brian (a consistently favorite character on 24 portrayed by actress Mary Lynn Rajskub) convinces Jack not to kill them. Jack didn't have to kill Charles Logan because Charles Logan ends up killing himself before the final 2 hours of 24 comes to an end.

Once again, the good news is that Jack Bauer is still alive at the end of 24, Season 8. I write this with a bit of hesitancy due to the fact that Jack Bauer went on a murdering spree during the past few episodes of 24. But, having been a fan of 24 since the first episode, I have forgiven Jack. After all, it's not Jack Bauer's fault that the now-liberal writers of 24 decided to turn him into a somewhat different person.

If there is a 24 movie, and the fact that Jack Bauer is still alive could mean there might be a film, perhaps the writers will rewrite Jack Bauer's character into the American hero fans like myself grew to love and appreciate. A 24 movie with an emphasis on the Jack Bauer fans recognize and remember will surely be a huge box office hit, and a special treat for 24 fans worldwide.

24: Allison Taylor's Conservative Conscience Admits All On Final Episode

The final episode of FOX TV's 24 on Monday night, May 24, 2010 ended with a conservative twist as President Allison Taylor (portrayed by actress Cherry Jones) makes a decision to make public her lies, and the crimes that had been committed by herself and others. President Allison Taylor also decides to help Jack Bauer, whom she had previously turned against.

President Allison Taylor goes on camera to admit wrongdoings to America and the world; to reveal to all that lies and crimes had been committed. President Allison Taylor also indicates her willingness to receive whatever punishment she deserves.

In other words, President Allison Taylor finally comes to her conservative senses and reverts to her old accountable self, the person she used to be before the completely unethical former President Charles Logan re-entered politics again in 24's Season 8.

By the way, Charles Logan is now officially among the not-so-dearly departed. See my upcoming Jack Bauer post.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Obama Apologizes to China for Arizona's Law Cracking Down On Illegals

Obama's Liberal Mouth Continues To Speak Out Against America and American Policies.
AP reports:
The United States and China reported no major breakthroughs Friday after only their second round of talks about human rights since 2002.
[Assistant Secretary of State Michael Posner] said in addition to talks on freedom of religion and expression, labor rights and rule of law, officials also discussed Chinese complaints about problems with U.S. human rights [what right do the Chinese have to complain about U.S. human rights? This is nothing less than insanity.], which have included crime, poverty, homelessness and racial discrimination.
He [Posner] said U.S. officials did not whitewash the American record [of course not -- Obama is compelled to open his mouth and spout forth his false ideas about America every chance he gets] and in fact raised on its own a new immigration law in Arizona that requires police to ask about a person's immigration status if there is suspicion the person is in the country illegally.
I want to mention here that the topic about Arizona's new Immigration Law was not brought up by the Chinese, but by Obama and his politically correct entourage. I also would like to know what Obama's response was to the Chinese about their various complaints against America.

I bet the Chinese didn't utter one word of complaint about the Chinese government's poisoning of America's pets with tainted pet food, or exposing American children to lead with their "Made in China" toys.

I bet the Chinese never uttered one word of complaint about all of the money the Chinese are making over their near-monopoly of products sold in American stores, including everything from shoes to toothbrushes.

When will Obama and his liberal administration learn to stop their negative verbiage against America and American policies, especially when talking to those, like the Chinese, whose basic political agenda is to violate the basic human rights of every Chinese citizen.

Related Links

Apologizing For Arizona
Arizona Immigration Law SB1070 2010 and Text – Boycotts Abound

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Obama Poll: American Voters Disapprove 41% To 30%

The Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday, May 15, 2010 indicates that Obama's ratings with American voters continue to in a downward direction.

The current Rasmussen Poll results are:

Strongly Approve of Obama: 30%
Strongly Disapprove of Obama: 41%
Obama's Presidential Approval Index rating of -11 {1}

{1} Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Related Link

GOP Electoral Wins Not Votes of Confidence - CQ POLITICS NEWS
By Morton M. Kondracke, Roll Call Contributing Write
May 14, 2010 – 12:04 a.m.

Obama Presses Senate To Pass Financial Reform

Obama is urging the United States Senate to pass the Financial Reform Bill quickly. "In his weekly address Saturday, he characterized the bill as representing 'the strongest consumer financial protections in history.' Mr. Obama says the legislation will stop predatory business practices and make sure both large and small banks are subject to tough oversight." {1}

On the other hand, Republican Congressman Chris Lee "urged Mr. Obama to, in Lee's words, 'really listen' to what Americans are saying about the economy."

{1} Obama Urges US Senate To Pass Financial Reform 

Is President Obama, possibly the most liberal U.S. President in the History of America, really listening to what Americans are saying about the economy? Is Obama really listening to what Americans are saying about anything going on in America? Does Obama even have a clue about what Americans think? Most importantly, does Obama care about America and Americans, or does Obama simply intend to accomplish everything he can to insure that America will be a socialist country before his presidential term is over.

Related Link

Obama Presses Message In New York - The Wall Street Journal
By Laura Meckler And Brody Mullens
MAY 13, 2010, 11:43 P.M. ET

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Terrorism Is A Real Word and Politically Correct Politicians Don't Own It

Why I am not afraid to use the words "ISLAMIC JIHADIST (JIHAD) TERRORISTS." To not use the word "terrorists" would be to go against everything I believe in. There is no other suitable word. The ultra liberal politically correct "in" crowd prefers to use the words "man-caused disasters" instead of the correct word, "terrorism."

This will never suffice, because all true AMERICAN PATRIOTS know that the REAL WORD is "TERRORISM," "TERRORISTS," and "ISLAMIC JIHADIST (JIHAD) TERRORISTS." If using these words makes you uncomfortable, then perhaps you ought to ask yourself why you have sympathy for those Muslim Jihad fanatics who murder and behead other human beings in the name of their so-called god, Allah?

Why I am not afraid to write or say Politically Incorrect words: I don't believe politically incorrect speech should include racist, anti-Semitic, anti-White, anti-Black, anti-Christian, anti-Mormon or anti-Anybody words or phrases. Politically incorrect words come into play when the attempt is made to verbally transform the concept of evilness (politically correct) into something not so evil, or even good (politically incorrect). When this attempt is successful, then the time to be politically incorrect has arrived.

Saying or writing the words "Jihad," "Jihadist," "terrorists," "terrorism," "Muslim fanatics," and "Islamic fanatics" is acceptable, even though these words are considered to be politically incorrect by leftist liberals, most of whom hate Israelis and support Palestinians.

Related Links

Politically Correct European Union Bans Words Jihad, Islamic, and Fundamentalist
Published March 30, 2007 by: Kimberly West

Why We Must Label Al-Qaeda Terrorism "Jihad Martyrdom"

By: Robert Spencer
Friday, August 10, 2007

Monday, April 19, 2010

Obama Checked "Afro-American" On Census; Neglected To Mention "Irish"

Obama identified himself as being Afro-American on his 2010 Census form. President Barack Obama checked the "black or Afro-American" box on the 2010 Census form. Obama could have checked the "white" box or "some other race" box. Or Barack Obama could have checked both the "white" and  "black or Afro-American" boxes, due to the fact that his father was black and his mother white.

The question is: Why did Barack Obama identify himself as being exclusively "black or Afro-American" on the 2010 Census? Technically, Barack Obama is "biracial," meaning two races, and not exclusively one race. There were 784,764 biracial American residents who checked both the "white" and "black or Afro-American" boxes on the 2010 census form. "This is only the second census to allow people to identify themselves by more than one race. About 7 million people, or 2.4 percent of the U.S. population, chose that option in 2000." 1

Obama obviously wants future historians to describe him in history books as having been the first "black or Afro-American" U.S. President. But this is a half-truth. How is President Barack Obama's decision to not declare himself as being "biracial" fair to a possible future "black or Afro-American" U.S. President who might not happen to be biracial?

This hypothetical future Afro-American U.S. President would go down in history books as having been the second Afro-American U.S. President, instead of the first Afro-American U.S. President. To complicate this matter even further, what if this hypothetical future Afro-American U.S. President turns out to be a conservative Republican instead of a liberal Democrat?

To make things less complicated, Barack Obama could have just declared himself as being "Irish" on his 2010 Census form. *See My Related Post below.

1 Black or biracial? Census forces a choice for some
The Associated Press

Related Links

Why Did Obama Check "Afro-American" On 2010 Census?
topix forum discussion on The New REPUBLIC Post,
Census Nonsense Why Barack Obama isn’t black. John B. Judis

Renee Walker Mercilessly Murdered During Season 8 of 24

Renee Walker is dead. Renee Walker has been mercilessly murdered -- shot through a window by a terrorist. Annie Wersching, the actress who portrayed Renee Walker on Fox TV's "24," was a breath of fresh air during the final season, Season 8, of "24."

I don't understand why the writers of "24" needed to kill off Renee Walker. I was actually hoping Jack Bauer (actor Kiefer Sutherland) and Renee Walker would get married during the final episode of "24." There are only six hours of air time remaining for "24" and Jack Bauer until the Fox TV hit show permanently goes off the air.

What will end up happening to Jack Bauer in the final moments of "24?" That is the question "24" fans want to know. I hope the liberal writers of "24" don't turn Jack Bauer into anything less than the American hero fans have grown to love.

Related Links

How did Renee Walker die on the show 24? -- Read my answer on WebAnswers.

Author's Note: This post was originally published on April 13, 2010.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Would Obama Win Election If Voters Voted Today?

Would you vote for Obama today? I recently won a WebAnswers Best Answers Award for my answer to the question: Would you vote for Obama? Granted, there were only 2 answers to this question about voting for Obama in light of what people now know, particularly regarding Obama's Health Bill. Nevertheless, I would like to share my answer with you.

You can read my To Vote or Not To Vote for Obama WebAnswer at:

Monday, April 5, 2010

Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Bauer Captured "24" Fans' Hearts and Minds

I am going to miss Jack Bauer on Monday nights when "24" ends. After tonight, there will be 8 remaining hours of Fox TV's "24." What will I do with my time on Monday nights when "24" finally comes to an end?

I'm sure I'll put it to good use, but I will miss Jack Bauer. Kiefer Sutherland, you made the world think Jack Bauer is a real person, and I don't think any actor can ever surpass that feat.

Kiefer Sutherland, Your acting abilities in portraying Jack Bauer has been nothing short of amazing. You captured the hearts and minds of men and women, political conservatives and liberals, in America and throughout the world.

Thank you, Kiefer Sutherland, for giving us riveting Monday nights of pure escapism for the past several years. "24" fans cheered when you captured and tortured Jihadist terrorists, enjoying a few politically incorrect minutes. Thank you, Kiefer Sutherland, for depicting Jack Bauer as a true American hero for "24" fans in America and throughout the world.

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Obama Poll: Republicans Earn Voters' Trust on Health Care Issue

The Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday, April 5, the day after Easter Sunday:

Strongly Approve 34%
Strongly Disapprove 41%
Presidential Approval Index rating = -7%

I wrote a post on March 19 regarding the Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Poll for that day. On March 19 the Presidential Approval Index rating was -21%.

According to Rasmussen Reports, the number has gone up from -21% to -7% due to the overwhelming support Obama has received from Democrats since the passing of Obama's Health Bill.

Also according to Rasmussen Reports, the number of voters listed in the Strongly Disapprove category has remained 40% for months due to the fact that Obama's Health Bill has had either a slight effect or no effect on Republican and unaffiliated voters. Similarly, 53% of Americans now trust Republicans more than Democrats on the issue of health care.

Rasmussen Reports Poll Information from:
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Monday, April 05, 2010

Conservative Wordsmith Commentary:

I think it is a good sign that American voters trust Republicans more than Democrats on the issue of Health Care.

It would be better if the number increased from 53% to, say, 93%. It would be equally good if American voters would learn to trust Republicans more than Democrats about other issues as well.

America's voters need to learn the truth about Republicans; American voters should read more about American history in relationship to the Republican party. As a starter, I recommend you read my post:

Republicans Yesterday and Today: Historical Document Reveals Conservative Ideals

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Obama Takes A Back Seat To Bush In Recent Poll

President George W. Bush (Republican) is now more popular than President Barack Obama (Democrat).

The March 19, 2010 Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Poll indicates the following:

1. Strongly Approve: 23%

2. Strongly Disapprove: 44%

This equals a result of -21%.

from: Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Conservative Wordsmith Commentary:

Yes, -21% is President Barack Obama's Presidential Approval Index on Friday, March 19, 2010.This Rasmussen poll news is nothing new. In Obama's Poll Numbers Are Falling to Earth, written by By Douglas E. Schoen and Scott Rasmussen, and published in the Wall Street Journal on March 13, 2009, (a little over 1 year ago), the writers stated that, according to the poll data on that date, "Mr. Obama's approval rating is dropping and is below where George W. Bush was in an analogous period in 2001."

Obama's Presidential Approval Index rating on March 13, 2009 was 6%.

Original Publication Date of This Post: March 19, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

Ronald Reagan Foretold Inherent Dangers In Obama Forcing Socialism Down Americans' Throats

President Barack Obama has no right, as President of the United States of America, to coerce Americans into paying for medical care. America is a democracy, not a kingdom, and Obama is a president, not a king.

I don't think he gets that, though, and this is extremely troubling to many Americans, including myself. The great and beloved U.S. President Ronald Reagan was way ahead of the political climate that has just occurred regarding the passing of Obama's Health Care Reform Act by Congress.

President Reagan warned Americans years ago, in 1961 to be exact, about the inherent dangers present in socialized medicine. In Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine, a 1961 LP featuring Ronald Reagan speaking for more than 10 minutes, President Reagan said: "subsidized medicine would curtail Americans' freedom" and that "pretty soon your son won't decide when he's in school, where he will go or what he will do for a living. He will wait for the government to tell him." 1

President Reagan continues: "Reagan says "One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It’s very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project, most people are a little reluctant to oppose anything that suggests medical care for people who possibly can’t afford it." Reagan cites the failure of president Harry Truman's national health insurance proposal as evidence of the American people's rejection of socialized medicine." 1


Ronald Reagan Photo Courtesy of Reagan Library
Original Publication Date of this post: March 22, 2010

Related Links

Romney Backs Repeal Campaign; Palin Warns of November
Ronald Reagan’s Warning About Socialized Medicine – Video and complete transcript
Ronald Reagan speaks out on Socialized Medicine - Audio

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why 24 and Jack Bauer Are Leaving Fox TV: A Conservative Analysis Of 24

Jack Bauer, Anti-terrorist (actor Kiefer Sutherland) has 10 remaining hours to save America from terrorists and regain his conservative political stature. Jack Bauer lost some of his conservative convictions when he made a death-bed confession to a Muslim Imam during the final episode of Season 7. 

It's official. "24" has been canceled, and will be ending after 10 more hours of episodes. The announcement was made at the end of Monday night's show (March 29). CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM believes there are several reasons why "24" will no longer be on the air.

The original U.S. President in Season 1, President David Palmer, portrayed by actor Dennis Haysbert, should never have been assasinated in the first place, because he was the hit show's best president.

The writers should never have changed Jack Bauer, portrayed by Kiefer Sutherland, (who won a Best Actor Emmy) from an anti-Islamic Jihadist terrorist hero to a heroin addict. As soon as the writers of "24" realized this was a big mistake, they had Jack Bauer recover from the heroin addiction in Season 3. I still forgave Jack back then because his character was so intriguing.

The writers never should have changed Jean Smart's ultra-conservative character Martha Logan, patriotic and heroic first lady in Season 5, into a raving lunatic duriing a brief appearance in a Season 6 episode. Also, "24" producers never should have eliminated Martha Logan from the series, as actress Jean Smart, in my opinion, was one of the best contributors to the entire "24" series. * See Related Link below.

Similarly, "24" never should have turned Tony Almeida, portrayed by actor Carlos Bernard, from a hero into a villain. Even though Carlos Bernard's acting was phenomenal, this disturbing liberal pattern of "24" turning a conservative hero into a character-flawed heroin addict, another conservative hero into a liberal villain, or an incredibly brave, strong, and partriotic first lady into an insane first lady was never a good move, because this is not what the "24" viewing audience wanted to watch.

There are other reasons why I think "24" is ending, such as the Writers Guild of America Writers' Strike, which caused the series to be off the air for a year, and original creator and producer, outspoken political conservative Joel Surnow, unexpectedly deciding to quit "24" early in 2008. * See Related Links below.

It was only after conservative Joel Surnow left "24" that the show really started to go down hill. Liberals took over and the writers made a huge shift from mostly conservative and politically incorrect politics to mostly liberal and politically correct politics.

Will I miss Jack Bauer? Yes. Was Annie Wersching as Renee Walker a great addition to Season 8? Yes. Will Jack Bauer and Renee Walker end up getting married in the final episode? Maybe.

In the final analysis, should "24" be ending in 2010? Perhaps the show could have remained on television for yet another season, or more seasons, if Jack Bauer had not confessed to a Muslim Imam in Season 7, but it's difficult to know this for certain. In any case, my weekly habit of meeting Jack Bauer in my living room via my televison set will be ending after 10 more hours of "24" episodes.

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