Saturday, March 6, 2010

HAMAS SON Mosab Hassan Yousef: "Biggest Terrorist Is The God Of The Quran"

Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of a Hamas founder, and a man who helped Israel's security forces murder and arrest members of the Islamic Jihadist Terrorist group Hamas, told the Associated Press, during a 50-minute interview on Wednesday, March 3, the Muslim religion "is not a religion of peace." 1 

"In his memoir, Yousef, the 32-year-old son of a Hamas founder, claims he was one of the Shin Bet security agency's best assets and was dubbed The Green Prince, a reference to his Hamas pedigree and the Islamists' signature green color." 1

"Sheik Hassan Yousef said in a letter that his family had renounced 'the one who was once our eldest son, who is called Mosab.'" 1

"The son 'disbelieved in God' and 'collaborated with our enemies,' said the father, who's serving a six-year term in an Israeli prison." 1

It is worth mentioning that, in the interim, Yousef converted to Christianity. "Yousef said he started working with the Shin Bet after he was arrested and witnessed Hamas brutalities inside prison. When he was released in 1997, he started meeting with the Shin Bet and gravitating toward Christianity." 1

"And he hurled his most inflammatory comments at Islam, which he called a religion that teaches people to kill." 1

"In referring to the Muslim religion, or religion of Islam, Yousef said, 'It is not a religion of peace,' said Yousef, who converted to Christianity. 'The biggest terrorist is the God of the Quran. I know this is very dangerous and this will offend many people. The more you follow the steps of the prophet of Islam and the God of Islam, the more you get close to being a terrorist.'" 1

"'The God of Quran is trying to unskin Muslims from their humanity,' he said, later adding, 'Muslims are good people. But their God is absolutely bad.'"

According to the Associated Press, Yousef's life is now in danger because of his speaking out against Hamas and the Muslim religion. But Yousef has a story to tell, and has written, and newly published, a book entitled "Son of Hamas." Yousef said that if Hamas kills him, they will be responsible for his blood. 1

1 AP Interview: Hamas spy unafraid, criticizes Islam 

AUTHOR'S COMMENTARY: I find it absolutely fascinating that this young 32-year old man, raised in the religion of Islam by a founder of the Islamic Jihadist "Terrorist" group Hamas (or, if you are politically correct, which I am not, Islamic "Militant" Group Hamas) is willing to risk his life to tell the world the truth about the inherrent violence and evilness of the Muslim religion, and of the Muslim "god" of the Koran or Quran. (I purposely did not capitalize the word "god," in referring to "Allah", the Muslim religion's conception of the word.)

If you think Allah, the "god" of the Quran, is the same "God" of the Holy Bible, as in the God of Judaism and Christianity, think again. In fact, if you think Allah is god at all, think twice.

The Muslim Terrorist tactic of beheading "infidels" while, at the same time, shouting in Arabic "Allah is great! There is no god but Allah," leads any reasonable mind to the correct conclusion that Allah is not god. But then there are many people, expecially those on the politically correct liberal political spectrum, who do not have reasonable minds.

Related Links -- After writing and publishing this post, Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin, author and publisher of CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM, became a fan of Mosab Hassan Yousef on Facebook. Join Susan Baldwin in supporting Mosab Hassan Yousef on Facebook. You can also join Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin on Facebook, where you will be able to connect with 3,000+ friends!

Son of Hamas Leader Tells Hannity “Moderate” Islam Does not Exist~ Video
Son of Hamas Leader Turns Back on Islam and Embraces Christianity 

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

FEMA Concentration Camps: One More Conspiracy Theory For Truthers

The FEMA Concentration Camps conspiracy theory is on the rise again. "In April of 2009, PM editor-in-chief James Meigs appeared on Glenn Beck's FOX news program twice to debunk conspiracy theories regarding supposed 'concentration camps' being built by the Federal Emergency Management Agency." 1

The facts, however, as in the 9/11 conspiracy theories, and all conspiracy theories are as follows: conspiracy theories, myths and hoaxes only exist in the clever, manipulative minds of their inventors, the conspiracy theorists. On the other hand, debunkers, people who go about debunking myths and conspiracy theories, prove that the imaginary inventions in the minds of conspiracy theorists are false. Experts who practice the art of debunking conspiracy theories expose their falsehood for all the world to see.

Here is one example:

See the photo of a supposed FEMA concentration camp in Wyoming. It is, in reality, a satellite image of a North Korean Forced Labor Camp.

The creators of conspiracy theories have their own agenda, and it is just like this: Creators of conspiracy theories want to convert the minds of everyone to their way of thinking, often for purposes of leftist political manipulation. Unfortunately, there are enough naive and gullible people who are ready and willing to believe almost anything (truthers) and will believe almost anything, especially if it contradicts the political right. This includes those people who claim to be conservatives, including Ron Paul supporters and some libertarians.

1. North Korea/Wyoming
detention center

CLAIM: "There is a minimum of one confirmed
concentration camp built on American soil in rural Wyoming. " The (Department of
Homeland Security) accidentally placed these photos on a publicly accessible
portion of their website " (but) they were pulled within one hour. " The images
are not gone forever though."

FACT: These actually are
legitimate images of "forced-labor colonies, camps, and prisons"—in North Korea.
The images were taken from "The Hidden Gulag: Exposing North Korea's Prison
Camps," a report prepared by the Washington D.C.-based Committee for Human
Rights in North Korea. Then someone manipulated the headers, photo dates and

Myths and Hoaxes are not real. Conspiracy theories have already been debunked by experts who have exposed their falsehood. To believe in something that is not real just because you don't happen to agree with conservatives is not wise. The creators of conspiracy theories use the prejudices that leftists harbor against conservatives to their advantage, distorting the truth and making it seem true to those who already want to believe that something "else" must be the real answer.

The obsessive compulsion to believe that President George W. Bush, his Republican cabinet, and the American government caused 9/11 is a perfect example. Truthers, or those who believe in myths, hoaxes and conspiracy theories, believe this lie about Bush, Republicans and America -- truthers believe that the conspiracy theory must be the answer, instead of the obvious, and very real, answer, i.e., that Muslim Jihadist terrorists caused the murderous events of 9/11.

"Truthers", the name popularly used for those who believe in, and propagate, conspiracy theories, are unwilling to learn the real truth about any conspiracy theories they have accepted. Conspiracy theories are almost a religious doctrine for them. The irony of the word "truthers" is that truthers do not believe in truth. Instead, truthers believe in myths, hoaxes, conspiracy theories and lies. Do not become the victim of a conspiracy theorist. Do not believe in a hoax. Believe in the truth.

I have come to the conclusion that the unwillingness of truthers to comprehend the truth, even when presented with facts and scientific evidence that have been presented by professional debunkers, is a serious Catch-22 situation. Truthers want to believe in myths, hoaxes and conspiracy theories. Truthers do not want anyone to contradict the "pretend" facts they religiously adhere to, because the conspiracy theorists tell them that even the facts themselves are conspiracies.

Related Links

1 Minute Man Review
Reexamining the Evidence on the 9/11 Attacks:
There are a total of five FEMA Concentration Camp Myths described in great detail:,2933,513024,00.html
Are Internet Conspiracy Theories So Difficult To Debunk? - Glenn Beck - FOXNews:

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Monday, March 1, 2010

9/11 CONSPIRACY THEORIES: An Open Letter To A Liberal Apologist

Regarding 9/11 Conspiracy Theories: Thanks for appreciating what I do, even though you obviously don't agree. As far as the "FACTS" go, however, you are incorrect. I have numerous "FACTS" at my disposal to share with anyone, including you, who really wants to know the truth about 9/11. It is not I who have tried to change anyone's mind with "force," but the perpetrators of conspiracy theories, who, as a MATTER OF FACT, have ZERO FACTS!

The problem is that so far, the majority, nay, almost all, of the truthers I have exchanged comments with, have shown little, if any, desire whatsoever to read even the smallest amount of vast information available. 

It's sad, indeed, but true, that Truthers don't really want to know THE TRUTH because thay have been brainwashed by clever conspiracy-theorists, similarly to the modern Neo-Nazi movement. These Neo-Nazis have been brainwashed by Holocaust Deniers and other anti-semitic propaganda; this is yet another false, and extremely dangerous, conspiracy theory.

I also must tell you that I do not appreciate your comparing America to Nazis and the Roman Empire! Surely you do not actually believe this, do you?

You said "Love everybody." Do you know what loving the Taliban and Jihadist Terrorists is going to accomplish? It won't accomplish anything. Tell all of the millions of dead souls, mostly Jews, that if they had only "loved" Hitler, there would have been no Holocaust, and they never would have been killed. Do you think that would have been the case? Evil is Evil, and one can't love Evil and Goodness both.

Author's Note: The person I wrote this Open Letter to is a gifted artist. Unfortunately, I was not aware of his political leanings until I read his posted comments on my recent Facebook status. This Open Letter was originally a posted reply, in the form of a comment, on my Facebook Wall. 

Click to read my status, and all Facebook comments written by Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin, plus comments by a few of her currently 2,700+ Facebook friends.

Related Links
The Top September 11 Conspiracy Theories
National Geographic TV Debunks 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Monday
Journal of Debunking 9/11
9/11 Conspiracy Theories Debunked - Video
Top 5 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Debunked -- YouTube Video
9/11 Conspiracy Theories Debunked -- YouTube Video 

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