Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Don't Miss This Video! Greenville, South Carolina Catholic Priest Asking His Parishioners To Repent For Obama Vote

If you missed my recent post about this CNN Video, here is the direct link. Don't miss this one!

Priest: Repent for Obama vote

Check out the other fun stuff on my new site, including my new conservative search engine, Conservative Wordsmith Site Search. Simply type in any word, and you will quickly see how it works.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Obama and McCain Believe Americans Want Leaders To "Change the Bad Habits of Washington"

President-Elect Barack Obama and Senator John McCain issued a joint statement after their Chicago meeting today, November 17.

"'At this defining moment in history, we believe that Americans of all parties want and need their leaders to come together and change the bad habits of Washington so that we can solve the common and urgent challenges of our time.'"

"'It is in this spirit that we had a productive conversation today about the need to launch a new era of reform where we take on government waste and bitter partisanship in Washington in order to restore trust in government, and bring back prosperity and opportunity for every hardworking American family,'" it said. "'We hope to work together in the days and months ahead on critical challenges like solving our financial crisis, creating a new energy economy, and protecting our nation's security.'" 1

Obama, McCain discuss ways to reduce gov't waste by Beth Fouhy

Catholic Priest Asks Parishioners To Repent For Barack Obama Vote!

A Roman Catholic priest in Greenville, South Carolina has asked his parishioners to repent for voting for President-Elect Barack Obama.

Watch this CNN Video:
Priest: Repent for Obama vote

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Will Obama Appoint Hillary Clinton and John McCain?

According to a CNNPolitics.com article published last night, President-Elect Barack Obama is strongly considering appointing either Senator Hillary Clinton or New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson as the new Secretary of State.

According to this same CNN article, Obama plans on speaking with Senator John McCain on Monday. The article doesn't state exactly what the topic of the expected conversation will be, but I assume, based on the context, that Obama is considering McCain for a possible position also.

"Obama spoke with Sen. Hillary Clinton on Thursday and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson on Friday about the key Cabinet post, multiple Democratic sources said."

"Clinton's response to Obama's overture is unknown, but sources said the New York senator left the meeting with the impression that if she were interested in the post, it would be hers."
"Obama campaign spokesman Robert Gibbs is widely expected to be named White House press secretary, and chief strategist David Axelrod is expected to be picked as a White House senior adviser.
"Also Friday, the Obama transition team announced that the Illinois senator will meet with the man he defeated in the general election, Republican Sen. John McCain, on Monday."
I wonder what Senator John McCain's answer will be if he is offered a position in President-Elect Barack Obama's cabinet?

Obama's New Staff Selections: How Liberal Can He Get?

President-Elect Barack Obama announced three picks for senior staff postions on Saturday, November 15. Is Obama truly implementing the Change We Need? What change? Take a look.

"Philip Schiliro has worked in Congress for more than 25 years, many of which were spent as a top aide to longtime Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., and the House Oversight Committee. His official title will be assistant to the president for legislative affairs when the new administration takes over Jan. 20."

"Obama's team also formally announced that Ron Klain, a former chief of staff to Vice President Al Gore, would serve in the same role for Vice President-elect Joe Biden, and that longtime Obama friend and supporter Valerie Jarrett will be a senior adviser and assistant to Obama for intergovernmental relations."

Obama Names Veteran Capitol Hill Aide to Staff to read the entire article from which the above quotes were cited.

Being a resident of California has entitled me to the rare privilege of having been the unfortunate recipient, by snail mail, of various supposedly educational pamphlets spouting the liberal views of Rep. Henry Waxman. What about Ron Klain? A former chief of staff to Vice President Al Gore is a step in the right direction of change. Right? Or should I say Left? As for Valerie Jarrett, click
The Valerie Jarrett Story. Named Senior Obama White House advisor to read everything you need to know, and more.

Changing the order of the words We Need Change to Change We Need may have not been just a clever and grammatically incorrect slogan on the part of Barack Obama's political advisers. The phrases definitely could have different meanings. Say them out loud several times, and think about the meaning of these two phrases. The meaning of We Need Change is obvious, but the interpretation of Change We Need is not so apparent. It could mean the change that Obama thinks we need, and that is a whole different liberal story about no change at all. Democrats really don't like change very much. They just enjoy talking about it.

Related Link
Obama, Biden appoint advisers

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Obama's College Days In California To Air On KCET Tonight

KCET's California's Gold with Huell Howser will focus on President-Elect Barack Obama's college days in California. Barack Obama's California College Days is scheduled for broadcast on Los Angeles based television station KCET at 8:30 PM tonight. For more detailed information, as well as additional broadcast times, click http://www.kcet.org/.

My Related Post


Related Link

Huell Howser Productions

To view previously published posts by Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin, visit
http://conservativewordsmith.townhall.com. Scroll to the bottom of each page, and click the word "Next" in order to view more posts.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Be Sure To Bookmark My New Site!

I'm excited about my new CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM site, http://www.conservativewordsmith.com/, the Official Site of Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin.

My name is Susan Baldwin, and I am also the author of the popular Conservative Wordsmith Weblog, formerly the #1 blog on Townhall.com's Top Ten List. 
If you were, or still are, a follower of my Conservative Wordsmith Weblog on Townhall.com, I would love to have you become a follower of my new CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM site as well.

If you are a new fan of CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM, I want to know about it!

Be sure to bookmark my site, CONSERVATIVE WORDSMITH.COM, and become a follower.

Gay Activists Continue To Harass Mormons

Please click the following links so you can see for yourself the intolerant actions against Mormons that are being perpetrated by gay activists. The gay community likes to think of themselves as being the most tolerant of all tolerant human beings. Who do they think they're kidding?

Recommended Links

http://www.truveo.com/Gay-Activists-Protest-at-LDS-Mormon-Temple-in-LA/id/2305843012273580344 Prop. 8 protestors target Mormon temple in Westwood

My Related Posts


Be sure to read some or all of my previously published posts on Townhall.com also. In order to view posts, scroll down to the bottom of each page and click the word "Next."

Saturday, November 8, 2008

California Gays Blame Mormons For Yes Vote On Proposition 8

The Gay Community isn't very cheerful due to the fact that California's voters voted in favor of Proposition 8, which makes gay marriage illegal for the second time. Mormons (Latter-Day Saints), who happen to believe strongly in traditional marriage, are being targeted by gay activists who claim they are largely responsible for the "yes" vote on Proposition 8.

It is unfortunate that Mormons have to be the target of hostile gay activists who just don't seem to get the fact that they are not being discriminated against. Homosexuality is not a religion, nor is it a race, even though this was implied in one of their pre-Election ads.

The unhappy, and not-so-gay, gay activists claim that Mormons put up most of the money to fund Proposition 8. Does this justify making scapegoats out of Mormons?

My Related Posts




Related Link

Gay marriage supporters take to California streets

Friday, November 7, 2008

President-Elect Barack Obama Is Late For First Press Conference

Did anyone else notice that President-Elect Barack Obama was approximately 23 minutes late for his first official Press Conference this morning? It was supposed to start at 11:30 AM on the West Coast, but he did not walk out before the cameras, according to my clock, until 11:53 AM. His current team of advisers stood there patiently waiting for him to appear.

I wonder what the problem was in the long delay? After all, time is supposed to be money, as the old saying goes, so one would think that the newly elected president Barack Obama would have been on time, especially since this conference focused on the current economic crisis facing America. He seemed composed enough, his usual unusually calm demeanor manifest for all the world to see, so speculation will get us nowhere.

Recommended Link:


Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin appreciates your thoughts and comments.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Californians Tell The World They Don't Want Gay Marriage

Californians voted "yes" on November 4, 2008 for Proposition 8, one of the most controversial propositions in the country. According to the Los Angeles Times, the vote was:

Yes 52.5%
No 47.5%
Precincts Reporting - 100%

"We caused Californians to rethink this issue," Proposition 8 strategist Jeff Flint said.
"Eight years ago, Californians voted 61% to define marriage as being only between a man and a woman."

"The California Supreme Court overturned that measure, Proposition 22, in it May 15 decision legalizing same-sex marriage on the grounds that the state Constitution required equal treatment of gay and lesbian couples."

At least conservative voters in California received some solace, in spite of the unfortunate fact that John McCain/Sarah Palin lost the Presidential Election to Barack Obama/Joe Biden. Will the delightful Sarah Palin run for President of the United States in 2012? There is already some surprisingly positive talk about that possibility in the liberal media.

Conservatives, do not lose heart! Instead, continue to instruct others less knowledgeable than yourselves about the merits of being a conservative. Pray that the newly elected President and Vice-President of the United States of America, Barack Obama and Joe Biden, turn out to be miraculously less liberal than we previously thought.

My Related Posts





Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin appreciates your thoughts and comments.

Monday, November 3, 2008

McCain Or Not McCain? That Is The Polling Question!

Is the answer John McCain/Sarah Palin or Barack Obama/Joe Biden? Do the polls show absolutely, without any shadows of doubts, that Obama will definitely win the 2008 Presidential Election? If that were the case then there would never be any reason for Americans to vote at all.

No matter how much the liberal media may have convinced you that there is no chance either in Heaven or on Earth that Republicans will ever live in the White House again, there is still the possibility that the liberal media is wrong. If you believe them, then logic indicates that you might also be equally wrong.

If you are a conservative, please don't allow the liberal media to persuade you that Barack Obama has already won. Liberals want you to stay home, or in your office, wherever the case may be, and sulk all day. You will make their day if you don't vote tomorrow.

Actually, according to the Daily Tracking Poll at
Rasmussen Reports, today's poll indicates:

Obama 52%
McCain 46%

Compare this to today's most recent
ABC News/Washington Post poll:

Obama 53%
McCain 44%

Those 3 extra percentage points that ABC News and the Washington Post have given to Obama today might be a lot different tomorrow. They shouldn't count their chickens (or presidents) before they hatch, and neither should you.

Conservative Wordsmith Susan Baldwin appreciates your thoughts and comments.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Contact Me

I personally and thoughtfully answer all serious emails. 

Send your email to: conservativewordsmith@gmail.com

Wordsmith FAQs

Question: What is the definition of a wordsmith?

Answer: Answers.com states that a wordsmith is:

"A fluent and prolific writer, especially one who writes professionally."
"An expert on words."
"A person who works with words; a skillful writer."

All of the above are true, and yet there is more to being a wordsmith, at least according to my interpretation of the word.

To me, a wordsmith is someone who cares passionately about words (a good example would be the poets Emily Dickinson and Dylan Thomas), and wishes to convey thoughts carefully in the words that are chosen to be written. A true wordsmith is ever mindful of how one's words will affect others, and it is a serious responsibility.

I chose the name "Conservative Wordsmith" after several hours of research, looking into archaic dictionaries for the perfect words for my Townhall blog name, which was where this all started on May 31, 2007.

I never had a block before the above date, didn't really know anything about blogging, and taught myself whatever I needed to know. Knowledge never ends, by the way, and if you happen to be one of those persons who thinks that it does, all I can tell you is that you're wrong.

Question: What about the conservative part? You don't always seem to be that conservative.

Answer: My unique take on conservatism stems from the fact that I used to be a liberal, and I fully understand both sides of the political spectrum. That conservative political understanding is intricately tied up with my conservative religious beliefs also.

I used to be passionately interested in New Age teachings, and have long abandoned these in favor of faith in the loving Savior of the World, the Lord Jesus Christ. His grace and forgiveness has brought me to this point in my life, a pivotal place of turmoil and change, and, were it not for Him, I well might not be here today to write these serious words.

Question: So the Conservative Wordsmith ™ is human like all of us?

Answer: Yes, so sorry to disappoint you, but I am all too human, and don't ever be fooled into thinking that anyone you know or esteem is perfect, because the only perfect and sinless one who ever walked this earth is the Lord Jesus Christ.

Please feel free to contact me at any time, either by making a comment on one of my blog posts, or by email. You can write to me, Conservative Wordsmith ™ Susan Baldwin, at conservativewordsmith@gmail.com.

About Me

Conservative Wordsmith ™ Susan Baldwin is a popular and respected conservative Internet author and blogger in the blogosphere, known for her honest journalism, scholarly research, and womanly wit. She is considered to be a gifted, prolific, and relevant author by her peers and readers.
Conservative Wordsmith ™ Susan Baldwin's unique conservative viewpoint prompts her to explore and write about a variety of topics, including news, politics, American culture, values, art, religion, history, poetry, literature, books, movies, and music.

Conservative Wordsmith ™ Susan Baldwin writes:

"My Conservative Wordsmith Weblog was, for a considerable time, the #1 conservative political blog in America on Townhall.com's Top Ten List and in Los Angeles, California on Conservative Talk Radio KRLA's Top Ten List.

My Conservative Wordsmith Weblog at Townhall.com received 18,000 visitors within the first 8 months! I personally invite you to visit my first Conservative Wordsmith Weblog, and take the time to read some or all of my many published posts."

I am excited about my new Conservative Wordsmith ™ Official Website! I personally invite you to bookmark my site and become a regular follower.
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